Lowering of fever | Fever

Lowering of fever

As many steps of the defense system to fight the pathogens are faster at an elevated body temperature, one should not always try to lower the fever immediately. However, if the affected persons are very weak and show other accompanying symptoms, one should fall back on known fever-reducing drugs. The most effective way to reduce fever is to find the underlying focus and adjust the therapy accordingly.

In the case of bacterial diseases, therefore, one chooses a suitable antibiotic that kills the responsible germ. This causes the temperature to drop again. It is also possible to administer antipyretic medication in the form of tablets, juices or suppositories.

Especially the active ingredient paracetamol is present in many preparations, but also ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid contain a fever-reducing effect. Also some well-known household remedies are well suited to lower elevated temperatures effectively and independently. A sufficient supply of liquid is particularly important.

Due to the fever, the skin begins to sweat more, causing the body to lose fluids and minerals. A well-known and proven household remedy are calf compresses. You wrap cloths, which were previously soaked in 30 ° C warm water, around the calves and then cover them again with two or three layers of dry cloths.

The heat produced by the body is released to the outside through the wraps. A cold washcloth on the forehead also serves to cool. Also teas, mixed with elderflower, have a fever-reducing effect and lead to increased sweating.

It is also important to stay in bed when you have a fever so that you give your body enough time to fight the pathogens. If a fever occurs due to a bacterial infection, antibiotic therapy is often necessary. If the fever does not go down immediately, this is not worrying.

However, if this is still the case after 48 hours or the fever has even worsened and the accompanying symptoms have also remained unchanged, it can be assumed that the antibiotic is not effective. Since not every antibiotic is effective against every bacterium, a new visit to the doctor should be made so that the treatment can be switched to another antibiotic. In addition, a smear and a cultivation of the bacterium should be carried out.

Here the bacterium can be determined and at the same time a so-called antibiogram can be made. An antibiogram tests which antibiotics are effective against the bacterium and which are not. It should also be remembered that infections can also be caused by viruses, parasites or fungi, in which antibiotics are not effective.

Therefore, antibiotic therapy would not lower the fever with these pathogens anyway. Various household remedies can be used against the fever. It should be noted, however, that fever is a sign that the immune system is working.

Therefore it should not be lowered too early. On the one hand, cold calf compresses can be applied to lower the fever. It should be noted, however, that this is not done in case of chills or cold hands or feet.

In addition, hands and feet should be kept warm during and after the wrapping. The calf compress is applied for half an hour. As an alternative to the calf wrap, wet stockings can be put on.

For this purpose, wool stockings are dipped in lukewarm water, wrung out and then pulled over the calves as far as possible. Dry, warm socks are pulled over the stockings. After about 45 minutes the socks are taken off, the feet are dried and then kept warm.

A damp, warm cloth on the forehead can also reduce the fever. Drinking basil tea can also reduce fever. Drinking cherry juice can also reduce fever.

Many other home remedies exist to lower body temperature. However, if the fever persists or worsens, medical advice should be sought as medication may be needed. A calf compress is a home remedy that can be used for fever.

The correct application of a calf compress is very important to reduce the fever.For a calf wrap you need three cloths for each leg. The first cloth is dipped in lukewarm water, wrung out and placed directly on the skin. The cloth should no longer drip.

A dry cotton cloth is then laid on top of the first cloth to absorb any excess liquid. The third cloth, consisting of terry cloth or wool, is wrapped around the other two cloths and the leg. Make sure that the wrap is taut. After half an hour the wrap is removed again. Do not use the calf wrap if you have shivering or cold hands and feet.