Lumbago duration | Lumbago

Lumbago duration

In the simplest and most uncomplicated case of lumbago, it disappears completely by itself after a few days. In about 50% of those affected, no more symptoms appear within a week. After about 4 to 6 weeks, 90% of the patients are free of complaints again.

More serious cases, such as a complete herniated disc or a nerve entrapment, must be treated by a physician and take much longer to heal. In these cases, after a period of a few days under no circumstances an improvement can be expected. Attention should be paid to complaints that persist for a period of more than 6 weeks.

In this case there is a risk of chronic back pain. Regardless of this, for the majority of patients the question of how long they have to be on sick leave and how long they should refrain from sports is important. Both points have to be answered very individually but basically similar: The type and intensity of the pain influences the duration of the illness as much as the personality of the patient and the type of profession or sport to be practised.

An office worker may be able to return to work earlier than a mover or craftsman and swimming is possible again more quickly than starting a mountain bike race. Every doctor will take the patient’s suffering and his individual professional and personal situation into account in his assessment and will try to find the best solution for the patient. Nevertheless, it is important to mention once again that sports and exercise, even if the time for this cannot be defined in general terms, is clearly recommended for all patients.

Preventing lumbago

The best prophylactic measures with which lumbago can be effectively prevented or at least delayed are back-friendly working techniques in any situation. Bad posture should be avoided both professionally and privately and walking, standing and sitting should be alternated frequently. Conscious work breaks and relaxation exercises are just as important as strengthening the muscles.

Targeted muscle building training to stabilize the abdomen and back protects and supports the spine permanently. It also helps to reduce stress factors and to get rid of inner tension. Whether the body is then less susceptible to pain in the sense of lumbago or whether one avoids hectic, overloading movements, which can be the trigger for lumbago, cannot be answered conclusively.