Lumbago in the neck | Lumbago

Lumbago in the neck

Lumbago does not necessarily have to manifest itself as classic lumbalgia, i.e. pain in the lower back. All other parts of the spine can also be affected. Almost every adult suffers from pain in the neck at some point in their lives.

The lumbago in the neck is with after all 1⁄4 of the cases a quite relevant disease manifestation. Especially people who work a lot sitting in front of their computer screen are at risk of suffering from lumbago in the neck due to the rather unfavorable head posture. In this case, too, it is primarily the rapid and persistent muscle tension in the neck that causes pain.

Particularly in the case of complaints in the neck, the psyche also plays a major role in the development of the disease: if the stress in everyday life is not processed sufficiently, the muscles in the neck area often “block” first and develop complaints. Similar to classic lumbago, i.e. lumbalgia, lumbago in the neck or cervical spine causes severe pain at first. Here too, the pain can suddenly and unexpectedly shoot up after a triggering movement.It is not uncommon for pain from lumbago of the cervical spine to radiate as a headache; this is often felt in the back of the head.

But other types of headache are not unusual either. Pain in the shoulder girdle and/or arm may also be present, although this is not always observed.

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