Lumbago symptoms and therapy

Lumbago is usually referred to when a wrong movement or strain suddenly causes a severe pain in the lower back, which is accompanied by a restriction of movement. Other terms/synonyms for lumbago are Lumbago, lumbalgia and lumbar spine syndrome. In most cases, there is already an over- or misloading of the back in advance, but this can be without symptoms.

Further overloading in the sense of a “wrong movement” can lead to sudden acute back pain, the lumbago. This does not necessarily mean that there is a severe injury to structures, but rather a dysfunction caused by a possibly blocked vertebra and/or painfully tense musculature. If it is lumbago, the symptoms usually subside completely after a few weeks even without treatment. Of course, a diagnosis should still be made in order to rule out possible serious injuries that require treatment.


The therapy for lumbago initially serves to relieve the symptoms and can relieve the painful tension in the muscles: In the acute phase, everything that provokes severe pain and worsens the symptoms should be avoided. When the acute pain subsides, the mobility of the back should be restored. A diagnosis can reveal possible incorrect posture or chronic strain in everyday life. The patient should learn how to protect his or her back in everyday life. and back school

  • Special storage (e.g. step storage, package seat or similar)
  • Heat applications (or also cold)
  • Massages
  • Gentle small painless mobilizing movements

Syringe/what is injected?

Lumbago is an acute severe tension of the musculature and thus a painful restriction of movement. The injection of muscle relaxants can help here. If an injection is indicated, the doctor injects these mostly into the gluteal muscles, or directly into the tense back muscles.

The ability to drive may be limited after the application of muscle relaxants. If necessary, painkillers (NSAIDs) can also be injected directly into the tense muscles. The doctor ultimately decides which therapy is the right one for the patient.