Lumbar spine with lumboischialgia | Lumbar spine syndrome

Lumbar spine with lumboischialgia

In lumboischialgia, there is pain in the area supplied by the sciatic nerve and in the lumbar spine. The most common cause is a herniated or bulging disc.This compresses the sciatic nerve, causing pain and possibly numbness or discomfort, which can extend along the thigh to the lower leg and foot. But also inflammations or tumors of the spine can lead to lumboischialgia.

Lumboischialgia with numbness

Numbness in the legs or feet often occurs when a herniated disc (prolapse) is the cause of the pain. In this case the prolapsed core of the disc can press on a spinal nerve and this pressure can cause a numbness. This can be temporarily improved by putting the legs up. But it can also become chronic if the compression of the nerve lasts for a long time.


The duration of a lumbar spinal syndrome is highly variable and depends on its cause and the extent of lumbar damage. Depending on the cause, conservative and surgical therapy measures are considered for the lumbar spine syndrome, the duration of which can vary greatly. Regular physiotherapy and exercises to build up the back muscles should be started as soon as possible, even after surgery, as this can accelerate the healing process and shorten the duration of the disease.

It is therefore also important to administer pain-relieving medication, as it allows the pain-free movement of the back. If the cause of the lumbar spine syndrome is not treated or is treated too briefly, the symptoms may become chronic, i.e. the complaints may persist over a longer period of time.

  • Intervertebral disc
  • Vertebral body
  • Slipped disc