Lump on the labia | Labia

Lump on the labia

A lump on the labia is usually due to a blocked sebaceous gland. Several sebaceous glands can be found on the inner labia. They secrete a fat-rich secretion at the hair roots of the labia hair.

If one or more of these glands become blocked, a nodular thickening occurs, which is usually slightly yellowish in color. Another reason for a nodule on the inner labia are abscesses. An abscess is caused by a blockage in the excretory duct of the Bartholini glands.

The Bartholini glands lie in pairs on the side of the labia. When they are excited, their excretory ducts secrete a fluid secretion into the posterior third of the labia. A blockage of these ducts occurs relatively often and should be examined by a specialist, as it can also easily become inflamed.

Rarely, but quite possible, the lump may also be due to a tumor disease in the vaginal area. If the lump does not regress on its own, a specialist should be consulted. In the case of cancer in the vaginal area of the woman, the lumps or ulcers do not occur as a single symptom, but with many accompanying symptoms. These include, for example, bloody discharge, painful urination or spots in the genital area.

Abscess on the labia

An abscess on the labia usually has an inflammation of the Bartholin glands as its cause. The function of the Bartholin glands is to produce moist secretion during female arousal. The Bartholin glands are paired glands located in the posterior part of the vulva.

They have two excretory ducts that open out in the back third of the labia minora. These ducts can easily become blocked so that the secretion produced cannot flow away – a congestion occurs. If the excretory ducts remain blocked for a longer period of time without treatment, an enormous backwater and inflammation of the excretory ducts can occur.

Abscesses form in the area of the labia minora. This can become an extremely painful event and should be examined by a gynecologist. A lot of pus accumulates in the abscess.

The abscess can sometimes open up by itself, which usually leads to a quick improvement of the pain. If the abscess does not open by itself, sometimes even surgery may be necessary.However, this is usually only a minor procedure, which must be performed under absolutely sterile conditions. The abscess is cut open and then sutured so that it can dry out. You can find more information about the treatment on Treatment of an abscess