Magnesium chlorate | Homeopathy for irritable bowel

Magnesium chlorate

Acidic diarrhea with cramping abdominal pain. Does not like fatty foods, mucous membrane in the mouth dry and burning, yellowish coated, spongy tongue. Flatulence causes a distended abdomen, liver strain, cannot lie on the right side.

Change to constipation, stool dry, hard, sometimes grayish white. Aversion to milk and meat. General frostiness, dizziness, poor circulation.

The symptoms occur in attacks, sometimes a long period without symptoms in between. Weakness and reduced nutritional condition. Pessimistic, tired, pale.

Self-contained patients, calm on the outside, crying in the silence. Mental injuries have a long lasting effect, one does not want to be comforted, becomes angry and rejecting. Irritable and restless patients, basically weeping, anxious and melancholy.

Especially irritable, nervous, sleepless women. All complaints improve in the fresh air. General dosage of magnesium chloratum for irritable bowel syndrome: Tablets D3

  • Especially suitable for women with “nervous” almost hysterical complaints, overexcitable, bad-tempered and anxious
  • Liver stress, liver congestion, abdomen distended, cannot lie on the right side
  • Yellowish coated, spongy tongue
  • Mouth dry and burning
  • Constipation with dry, gray-white stools (sheep bale excrement) alternating with acid diarrhea
  • The complaints occur in attacks with long periods of time in between without any impairment
  • Improvement of discomfort in the fresh air

Bloated intestines and air in the stomach cause a diaphragmatic hypertension.

This can lead to heart complaints and even cardiac arrhythmia (Roemheld syndrome). Bloated stomach and intestines, cramp-like stomach pain with pressure towards the heart. After eating, feeling of a lump in the stomach, feeling of fullness, disgust with certain foods.

Alternation between diarrhea and constipation. Complaints often occur after even the slightest psychological agitation. Great mood swings, laughing and crying close together, drowsiness, apathy, memory weakness.

Noticeable is the dryness of all mucous membranes. Wetness and cold aggravate the complaints, warmth improves. Noticeable is the felt pressure in the stomach with constant burping, foul smelling.

Pressure rises up to the neck, globular feeling in the throat. Many flatulence complaints, persistent constipation, bloated stomach. Stinking secretions.

Change to watery diarrhea with disgusting odor. Generally anxious attitude, mostly sad mood, quickly changing to laughter. All symptoms worsen at night.

Diarrhea always triggered by nervousness, anxious restlessness and haste, fear of coming events (exams), also social fear (fear of other people, group situations). Basic feeling is anxious expectation even of completely banal events. Diarrhea occurs, combined with flatulence.

Stool contains undigested food, shreds of phlegm, is foul-smelling. There is also mucous vomiting with frequent belching. The patient craves sweet food, but this is not tolerated and often causes severe flatulence.

Restlessness, dizziness, weakness of memory. All inflammations of the mucous membranes are associated with splinter pain. Morning nausea and vomiting.

Alternation between loss of appetite and ravenous appetite.Stomach pain about half an hour after eating, acidic belching, increased flatulence combined with abdominal cramps, futile urge to defecate, often hemorrhoids. After a lot of food also diarrhoea. Irritable and very sensitive patients who have an upset stomach.

Sitting activity, overworked city dwellers who spend the evening after work eating, drinking and smoking a lot. The patients cannot relax, are ambitious and angry! Awakes early in the morning after a restless sleep, only falls asleep again after hours and is then tired, irritable in the morning, accompanied by headaches and nausea. Generally one is frosty, freezing at the slightest draught. The symptoms improve with rest, get worse with lots of food and drink and are worst in the morning.