Malachite Green


Malachite green is commercially available as a veterinary drug. It is also known as diamond green, basic green 4, CI 42000, bitter almond oil green and Victoria green. Malachite green is not the same as the mineral malachite, a copper hydroxide carbonate. The name is derived from the green color of malachite.

Structure and properties

Malachite green or tetramethyl-p-rosaniline (C23H25ClN2, Mr = 364.9 g/mol) is a triphenylmethane dye. Both the salt malachite green chloride and malachite green oxalate are referred to as malachite green. The active ingredient is present in the form of metallic green shiny crystals and is readily soluble in water.


Malachite green (ATC QP53AX16) has antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties. According to scientific literature, it is reliably effective in fish.

Indications for use

  • In veterinary medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases of fish with fungi, bacteria, worms and protozoa, e.g. in ichthyophthiosis (white spot disease).
  • Technically as a dye, reagent and indicator.
  • Dye for biological preparations

Adverse effects

Malachite green is controversial in aquaculture because the colorless metabolite leucomalachite green remains detectable in the fatty tissues of fish for a long time and is probably carcinogenic. Therefore, its use is banned in many countries. In addition, malachite green can exert toxic effects on fish.