Mammary Gland Inflammation (Mastitis): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands):

Leading symptoms

  • Rubor (redness) of the breast
  • Calor (overheating) of the breast
  • Tumor (swelling) of the breast
  • Dolor (painfulness) of the breast
  • Functio laesa (here: limited breastfeeding function).

As a rule, pain and usually unilateral local redness and swelling of the breast are evident.

Accompanying symptoms

  • Purulent nipple secretion (fluid discharge from the nipple).
  • Fever and marked feeling of illness (chills) in mastitis puerperalis (inflammation of the mammary glands outside of pregnancy or the postpartum period)
  • Axillary lymphadenopathy (enlargement of lymph nodes in the axilla).

Other indications

  • The maximum incidence of mastitis puerperalis is 2-3 weeks after delivery.
  • The area of inflammation is preferably found perimammary (“around the nipple“) in the upper outer quadrant of the breast.
  • The classic form of mastitis is Mondor’s disease. Here, a superficial thrombophlebitis with up to 30 centimeters long dermal, sometimes painful subcutaneous strands shows which can thereby also exceed the submammary fold (“underbust fold”).
  • As a secondary condition of mastitis can occur due to lack or failure of therapy a mammary abscess (breast abscess; formation of a pus cavity). Symptoms or complaints of a mammary abscess:
    • Tumor (swelling), rubor (redness), peau d’orange (orange peel; orange-like fissured skin profile), pathologic secretion.
    • Fluctuation, calor (hyperthermia), marked dolor (painfulness), ipsilateral axillary lymphadenopathy (on the same side lymph node enlargement in the axilla of).
    • Fever (late in the course of the disease).