Mastopathy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

The term mastopathy (synonyms: Adenofibrosis of the mammary gland; Mammary ductasia; Mammary gland dysplasia; Mammary fibroadenosis; Mammary fibrosis; Mammary fibrosclerosis; Mammary cyst; Mammary cyst with epithelial proliferation; Nipple cyst; Chronic mammary cyst; Chronic fibroadenosis of the mammary gland; Chronic mammary cyst; Chronic mastitis; Chronic mastitis with epithelial proliferation; Chronic cystic breast; Chronic cystic mastitis; Cooper syndrome; Diffuse fibroadenosis of the mammary gland; Diffuse cystic mastopathy; Diffuse cystic mastopathy with epithelial proliferation; Dilatation of mammary duct; Dilatation of ductus lactiferi; Ductasia of mammary; Ectasia of ductus lactiferi; Fibroadenosis of mammary gland; Fibrocystic breast disease; Fibrocystic mammary disease; Fibrocystic mastopathy; Pedunculated mammary cyst; Pedunculated mammary cyst; Benign mammary cyst; Benign mammary dysplasia; Benign mammary dysplasia [mammary gland dysplasia]; Benign mammary cyst; Involuting cyst of mammary gland; Involuting cyst of mammary gland; Mammary dysplasia; Mammary fibroadenosis; Mammary fibrosis; Mammary fibrosclerosis; Mammary retention cyst; Mammary cyst with epithelial proliferation; Mastopathia chronica cystica; Mastopathia chronica cystica with epithelial proliferation; Mastopathia cystica; Mastopathia fibrocystica; Mastopathia fibrosa; Mastopathia fibrosa cystica; Metaplasia of apocrine glands of the mamma; Lactiferous duct ectasia; Periodic fibroadenosis of the mammary gland; Segmental fibroadenosis of mammary gland; Sclerosing adenosis of mammary gland; Sclerosing adenosis of mammary gland; Solitary cyst of mammary gland; Solitary cyst of mammary gland; Sebaceous cyst of mammary gland; Sebaceous cyst of mammary gland; Cyst of mammary skin; Cyst of sebaceous duct of mammary gland; Cystic mammary gland; Cystic mammary gland dysplasia; Cystic mammary gland hypertrophy; Cystic mammary gland hypertrophy with epithelial proliferation; Cystic fibroadenosis of the mammary gland; Cystic fibrous mastopathy; Cystic involution of the mammary gland; Cystic mammary dysplasia; Cystic mammary hypertrophy; Cystic mammary hypertrophy with epithelial proliferation; Cystic mammary disease; Cystic mastitis; Cystic mastitis with epithelial proliferation; Schimmelbusch-type cystic mastitis; Cystic mastopathy; Cystic mastopathy with epithelial proliferation; Cystic papillomatosis of the mammary gland; ICD-10-GM N60. -: Benign mammary dysplasia [breast gland dysplasia]), benign changes of the mammary gland are grouped together.

According to ICD-10-GM, the following forms of mastopathy can be distinguished:

  • ICD-10-GM N60.0 – Solitary cyst of the mamma.
  • ICD-10-GM N60.1 – Diffuse cystic mastopathy.
  • ICD-10-GM N60.2 – Fibroadenosis of the mamma
  • ICD-10-GM N60.3 – Fibrosclerosis of the mamma
  • ICD-10-GM N60.4 – Ectasia of the ductus lactiferi
  • ICD-10-GM N60.8 – Other benign mammary dysplasia.

* Cysts – cysts (fluid-filled cavities) arise from dilated milk ducts and glandular lobules (lobules). * * Fibrosis – in fibrosis, the change in mammary tissue is primarily in the connective tissue.

Adenosis – in adenosis, there is an imbalance between connective tissue and glandular tissue, with a marked increase in glandular parenchyma.

Mastopathy often occurs on both sides and is the most common disease of the breast in women.

Peak incidence: the maximum incidence of mastopathy is between the ages of 30 and 50.

The prevalence (disease frequency) is up to 60% of women (in Germany).

Course and prognosis: In mild forms of mastopathy, the main focus is on treating premenstrual pain (occurs up to two weeks before menstruation). If the mastopathy is accompanied by lump formation, it must be surgically removed and examined histologically (by fine tissue).