“maternal ligament pain” during pregnancy | Pain during pregnancy

“maternal ligament pain” during pregnancy

This term describes a rather unspecific symptomatology. It is a stabbing and pulling pain in the abdomen, which can occur from about 20 weeks of pregnancy. Basically, such pain can have very different causes.

One of them is a painful stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus. These include above all the Ligamentum teres uteri (also called Ligamentum rotundum in gynecology) and the Ligamentum latum. These ligaments, like the uterus, are naturally stretched more and more as the child grows.

Heat can provide relief here. A relieving posture and avoiding a frequent change of position can additionally relieve the pain. However, therapy is not necessary.

Warmth can provide relief here. A relieving posture and avoiding a frequent change of position can additionally relieve the pain. However, therapy is not necessary.

Unfortunately, low back pain during pregnancy is not uncommon. They can be absolutely harmless and disappear from one day to the next, but they can also be an indication of a situation requiring therapy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, low back pain can be caused by rapid growth of the uterus or an unfavorable situation.

However, such early back pain can also be the expression of an ectopic pregnancy. They can also be an indication of a miscarriage. In the later course of the pregnancy, low back pain is all too normal.

Increased stretching of muscles and ligaments, as well as the shifting of the body’s center of gravity forward, can cause back pain. In any case, a doctor can provide certainty and show the pregnant woman movement sequences that can alleviate the pain. Physiotherapy and light fitness training can also help. In any case, heavy loads should not be lifted.


Miscarriages express themselves somewhat differently depending on the week of pregnancy. In early pregnancy, there is clinical evidence of vaginal bleeding and contraction-like pain in the lower abdomen and lower back pain. In late pregnancy, the main feature is the loss of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.

A miscarriage absolutely requires immediate medical supervision. In early pregnancy, a curettage (a scraping) of the prematurely deceased foetus is usually performed. In late pregnancy, however, a natural birth must take place. Since abortion is a highly stressful event for the psyche of the expectant mother, psychological care is recommended after it.