Maternity leave benefit


Commonly known as maternity pay, this allowance is actually called maternity pay and is paid during the maternity leave period. The maternity protection period is intended to cover the period shortly before and immediately after the birth of the child during which a woman cannot or may not go to work. This is intended to compensate for the financial disadvantage suffered by a working woman during this period of prohibition of work. The maternity allowance is paid by the statutory health insurance company with which the woman concerned is insured, or by the maternity allowance office of the Federal Insurance Office.

How to apply for maternity leave benefit?

The maternity allowance must be requested in writing. In addition to the completed application for maternity allowance, the required documents include a certificate of the expected date of birth or the birth certificate and a certificate from the employer to calculate the maternity allowance. In case of premature births, an additional medical certificate must be enclosed. These printed forms are then sent by post to the relevant office. As described above, this can be the statutory health insurance company or the Federal Insurance Office.

Where do I apply for maternity leave benefit?

The application for maternity pay is made either to the statutory health insurance company or to the maternity pay office of the Federal Insurance Office. It depends on the type of health insurance of the woman concerned. Only those women who have statutory health insurance apply for maternity pay at the appropriate health insurance company. All other women apply to the Federal Insurance Office: This includes privately insured women as well as women with family insurance.

When do I apply for maternity leave benefit?

The date of application may not be earlier than seven weeks before the calculated date of birth. However, in order to allow a smooth payment process, the application should be submitted before the start of the maternity protection period. The maternity protection period begins six weeks before the calculated date of birth, there is no limit to the time the application can be submitted. An extension of the maternity pay, for example because of a disability or premature birth of the child, can be applied for in the first eight weeks after the birth.