Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Matrix rhythm therapy is a regenerative and holistic form of therapy for the sustainable treatment of diseases of the nervous, supporting and locomotor systems. This new form of therapy is based on basic cell biological research conducted by Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. The extracellular matrix of the skeletal muscles is also subject to a certain beat, a vibration – similar to breathing or the heartbeat. With the help of a specially developed therapy device, matrix rhythm therapy microexcitably stimulates this intrinsic rhythm again and thus restores the functional capacity of the connective tissue.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Limited mobility, e.g., after accidents, surgery, immobilization, apoplexy (stroke), capsular fibrosis, tendon injuries, frozen shoulder (synonyms: periarthritis humeroscapularis, painful frozen shoulder, and Duplay syndrome).
  • Acute chronic pain conditions such as migraine or phantom limb pain, back pain, spinal pain, limb pain, especially shoulder, hip and knee, neck tension.
  • Acceleration of regeneration in diseases of chronic degenerative forms such as rheumatism, fibromyalgia (fibromyalgia syndrome), osteoporosis (bone loss) or osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatic nodules.
  • Acceleration of nerve regeneration, for example, in tinnitus (ringing in the ears), carpal tunnel syndrome (KTS, also carpal tunnel syndrome, CTS), multiple sclerosis (MS), diabetic polyneuropathy, spastic paralysis, rigor (muscle rigidity).
  • Psychosomatic disorders: Treatment of the boundary strand restores sympatho-vagal balance, other indications include burnout syndrome and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS); synonyms: Algoneurodystrophy, Sudeck’s disease, Sudeck’s dystrophy, Sudeck-Leriche syndrome, sympathetic reflex dystrophy (SRD)).
  • Muscle hardening – also in the jaw / face area (craniomandibular dysfunction, CMD).
  • Restoration of extensibility, for example, in case of pointed foot (pes equinus), scars, adhesions, contracture, postural deformity, apoplexy (stroke).
  • Restoration of the fine vascular system, for example, ulcus cruris (lower leg ulcer), cellulite or varicose veins (varicose veins) and wound healing disorders.
  • Prevention and prophylaxis – to prevent problems of the muscle and tendon system, also for faster regeneration after performance phases, for example, in athletes.


The therapy device may be used only after expert instruction. Contraindications are:

  • Open, inflamed or infected skin surfaces.
  • Fresh fractures
  • Increased bleeding tendency, tendency to hematoma formation (formation of bruises).
  • Embolic tendency
  • Cardiac pacemaker (HSM, engl. Pacemaker, PM)
  • Direct bone or eye contact

Before therapy

Taking a medical history (history) and performing a physical examination.

The procedure

The Matrix Rhythm Therapy procedure is based on the oscillatory behavior of skeletal muscles and their characteristic frequency and amplitude spectrum. While the heart muscle pumps blood into the finest blood vessels, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells, it needs the rhythmically vibrating skeletal muscles to ensure the disposal of the metabolic end products of the connective tissue. In the very small area, in the immediate vicinity of the body’s cells, the vibration provides a suction effect that helps transport nutrients (macro- and micronutrients/vital substances), defensive substances and waste products to and from the cells. Overall, this restores logistics at the cell biological regulatory level. This is the prerequisite for oxygen and micronutrients, among other things, to become cellularly effective. If muscle processes no longer function properly, slowdowns and congestion occur. Due to the cellular energy deficit (especially oxygen deficiency), painful tension initially develops, which also results in changes in muscle, bone, vascular or nerve tissue. The metabolism becomes acidic and thus the proper work of the cells is no longer possible. In Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy, the treating therapist acts on the body cells and their environment, the matrix, from the outside with the help of a specially developed therapy device – the Matrixmobil.Among other things, asymmetric tissue pressures are generated which simulate the pump-suck effect and at the same time physiologically stimulate nerve receptors. The natural oscillation of the body and the cells is stimulated or restored. In a very short time, the metabolic processes of the affected body region normalize.

After the therapy

In order for the natural vibration stimulated by the treatment to be optimally supported and the metabolic processes to be restored, one should drink up to one liter of water and keep warm within the first 2 hours after the treatment. Other important factors after the treatment are relaxation, exercise, warm baths and early sleep – all measures that support the body’s processes so that circulation and removal of harmful substances can take place. In addition, patients are encouraged to test the regained mobility through exercises, for example.

Possible complications

Matrix rhythm therapy is free of complications and is a deeply effective, holistic form of therapy that treats the cause, not the symptom. Properly applied, it is always found to be pleasant, relaxing and slightly fatiguing.