Measles: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Measles is a viral disease caused by the measles virus of the same name. It is an acute infectious disease that occurs with flu-like symptoms. Characteristic features of measles include a clearly visible skin rash, cough and fever. Persons suffering from measles are immune for life thereafter. Vaccination against measles is important because of potentially life-threatening secondary illnesses.

What are measles?

Measles is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus. The typical sign of measles is a noticeable skin rash, also known as exanthema. Similar to scarlet fever, mumps and chickenpox, measles is a not uncommon childhood disease. Adults are less likely to suffer from measles, as infection in childhood leads to lifelong immunity. However, if left untreated, measles can also cause a number of other illnesses, which can have serious consequences. In this context, pneumonia or middle ear infection can occur. As with other childhood diseases, measles is notifiable and must be treated by a doctor in any case.


The causes of measles are due to a viral infection. The so-called measles virus is mainly specialized for humans and mainly affects nerve cells and the immune system. The incubation period for measles is usually between seven and ten days. The disease is transmitted by droplet infection, i.e. sneezing or coughing through the air. After that, the measles virus settles in the mucous membranes through the respiratory tract of the affected person and develops its sickening effect quite quickly. Likewise, the conjunctiva of the eyes can also be affected by the virus. Similar to scarlet fever sufferers, the still unborn baybies in the womb are immune if the mother had already contracted measles in childhood. This immunity then lasts until the infant is six months old.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Measles progresses in two stages with different symptoms: during the initial and precursor stages, flu-like symptoms occur; in the rash stage, painful skin lesions appear. Typical of the precursor stage are signs of illness such as fatigue, headache, sore throat and abdominal pain, and mild fever. There is hoarseness and a dry, barking cough, often associated with a cold. Externally, measles can be recognized at this stage by the bloated face. If conjunctivitis sets in, there is photophobia and watery eyes. Other characteristic symptoms of the preliminary stage are the so-called Koplik spots. These are whitish, firmly adherent coatings surrounded by a reddened halo. They appear from the second to third day in the area of the oral mucosa. After three to four days, the patches spread to the entire mucosa of the mouth and throat. Subsequently, a strong fever usually sets in. After a second rise in fever, the rash stage announces itself. Symptoms become more severe, and an extensive rash develops on the face, neck, trunk, and arms and legs, although the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are not affected. Symptoms peak on the fourth day and subside within two weeks.

Course of disease

Various complications may occur during the course of measles. They are divided into complications caused by the measles virus and complications caused by other bacterial infections. For example, the measles virus can cause pneumonia or bronchitis. Therefore, vaccination against measles should always be considered in childhood. The brain inflammation (measles encephalitis), which can be caused by measles, should not remain unmentioned. As a result of this secondary disease, convulsions, impaired consciousness, paralysis and epileptic seizures may occur. The potential permanent personality disorders and brain damage caused by this make an untreated measles infection very dangerous. In rare cases, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis can develop as a result of measles, which is fatal. Other complications that can occur as a bacterial superinfection are: Weakening of the immune system, inflammation of the mucous membranes, middle ear infection and possibly blindness.


Measles can cause a number of complications. First, there is a risk of concomitant and secondary symptoms such as otitis media or bacterial infections. Bronchitis can develop on the respiratory tract, as well as pneumonia, both of which are associated with further complications. Further infections may also lead to impaired consciousness, convulsions, epileptic seizures, paralysis and other symptoms. Extremely rarely, encephalitis or thrombocytopenia may occur. If infestation of brain tissue occurs, it can lead to mental decline, seizure disorder, and eventually death. Risk factors such as malnutrition or previous illnesses increase the risk of complications. Infants and elderly and weakened people are also particularly at risk – about one in 2,000 cases of measles here progresses with severe sequelae or is fatal. As a result of a vaccination against measles, typical vaccination reactions such as redness, pain and swelling may occur. In addition, fever, fatigue and headaches may occur. Rarely, severe complications such as pronounced allergic reactions and febrile convulsions occur. In addition, any home remedies and natural remedies can lead to a worsening of the health condition. Due to the large number of possible complications, measles should be immediately clarified and medically treated by a doctor.

When should you see a doctor?

If there are changes in skin appearance, rash, cough or fever, a visit to the doctor is advised. If there is discoloration, the formation of small red spots on the skin and a painful feeling in the affected areas of the body, a doctor should be consulted. Since the disease has a high potential for infection, fellow human beings should be protected from possible infection. Fatigue, hoarseness and a drop in performance level are signs of an existing irregularity. A doctor should be consulted, as there is a marked deterioration in health within a short period of time. If sleep disturbances set in, a feeling of illness develops, or headaches and pain in the limbs occur, a doctor is needed. Changes in vision, increased sensitivity to light and inflammation of the conjunctiva are complaints that should be clarified by a doctor as soon as possible. Abnormalities in the mouth and throat should also be presented to a doctor. If there are problems with swallowing or phonation, the signs should be examined by a doctor. If there is an increase in body temperature or changes in the appearance of the skin on the face, neck or extremities, a physician should be consulted immediately. If the skin areas are scratched open, the pain intensifies and further pathogens can enter the organism. A physician should be consulted for initiation of treatment.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of measles is reportable to the doctor, so a medical examination seems absolutely necessary. In most cases, the doctor will quickly determine the typical course of the disease, as well as the typical symptoms of measles. Especially the two-limbed fever curve as well as the clearly visible skin rash quickly point to measles. In addition, blood tests can be performed if the symptoms and the cause cannot be clearly determined. Then the treatment begins, which is mostly related to the symptoms. No special medication is prescribed for measles. Bed rest and sparing are the two cornerstones of a speedy recovery. Sometimes the affected child may suffer from light sensitivity during his measles infection. In this case, of course, darkening the room will help. Unpleasant accompanying symptoms, such as cough, headache and fever can be alleviated by gänge medication. However, the most important treatment against measles is preventive vaccination. Talk to your family doctor about this in good time.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis is mixed. In Germany, about 0.1 percent of all patients with the disease die. In developing countries, there is a significantly higher mortality rate due to a lack of care and poor hygienic conditions. In ten to twenty percent of those affected, permanent damage to the brain remains in this country. This results in paralysis and personality disorders. The intensity of the complications varies.The risk group for permanent health impairment includes young children up to the age of five and adults from the age of majority. Contrary to what one might expect, unborn children are protected by their mothers’ antibodies. They benefit from this up to the sixth month of life. On the other hand, the outlook is excellent for people who have come through a measles infection. They cannot become infected again for the rest of their lives. The body has produced a sufficient amount of antibodies. It can be assumed that a mild course of the disease can be overcome without medical assistance. In any case, rest and bed rest are important. There is no specific medication to combat the viruses. However, fever and pain can reach dangerous levels. Patients who then forego therapy risk not only complications. Rather, death may also occur.


Infectious diseases such as measles often require good aftercare once they have been cured. It is aimed at strengthening the immune system, regenerating those affected and, above all, preventing the disease from flaring up again. Sufferers should try to focus on a positive healing process despite the adversities. To build the appropriate mindset, relaxation exercises and meditation can help calm and focus the mind. This is fundamental to recovery. In addition, the body’s defenses can be strengthened by a host of measures that are within the patient’s own control. These include a healthy diet, drinking enough fluids and getting enough sleep. It is also important not to start sporting activities too early if the patient is not yet well enough to do so. Often, the intestine is impaired in its function by medications given as part of the infection. This is especially true when antibiotics have been given. In this case, a non-stressful diet helps in the aftercare. Yogurt products are often able to rebuild a disturbed intestinal flora.

This is what you can do yourself

For measles, the first and foremost thing to do is bed rest and take it easy. Sleep promotes the recovery process and is just as important as a suitable diet. What is recommended: drink plenty of fluids and consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to the tried-and-tested cod liver oil, fruits and vegetables – especially papaya, oranges, broccoli and spinach – as well as chicken broth and rusks are good choices. Especially in babies and small children, care should be taken to ensure an adequate supply of fluids and nutrients. Warm or cold compresses as well as applications with aloe vera or eucalyptus help against the flu-like symptoms. The typical rash is relieved with a damp towel. Another home remedy is vinegar socks: a pair of cotton socks, dipped in vinegar and worn under a pair of dry socks after wringing them out briefly. This cools and dissipates excess heat. In addition, in the bedroom or children’s room should be sufficiently high humidity and darkness. Regular airing will keep the air fresh and the cough should disappear quickly. If the symptoms have not subsided after a few days, it is best to consult a doctor.