Meat: Intolerance & Allergy

Meat refers to the edible parts of the musculature of an animal, fish excluded. More broadly, the innards and other parts of the animal also count as meat, but in modern cuisine usually only the muscle meat is processed.

This is what you should know about meat

Meat holds both advantages and disadvantages for health, depending on the quantity consumed, quality and origin. Red meats in particular, such as beef, contain a lot of iron, which can help with iron deficiency. Whether humans have always eaten meat and whether they need it at all is a matter of debate among scientists. The fact is, however, that meat has been part of the human diet for thousands of years – depending on the culture, it plays a more or less important role. In Persian cuisine, for example, there is hardly a dish without meat, while in cultures close to the sea, such as the Japanese, fish tends to play the main role. Very much in former times meat was eaten raw with all risks, because another preparation was not yet known. It was probably an accident that led to the discovery that cooked meat tastes much better, softens and keeps at least a little longer than raw meat. Today’s definition is limited to the musculature of animals, usually meat suppliers are mammals or birds. Other classes of animals such as reptiles are less commonly eaten, such as snakes or crocodiles. In muscle meat, of course, there are not only muscle fibers, but also fat, connective tissue and empty blood vessels. In the case of industrially produced meat, the antibiotics that the animal received during its lifetime and that are now found in residual form in the muscle also play a role. Especially in earlier decades and centuries, the offal of various animal species also played a role as meat, such as liver, heart or brain. These parts are eaten rather less today. Fish does not count as meat, but is considered fish in its own right, even though the musculature of fish is also eaten.

Importance for health

Meat holds both advantages and disadvantages for health, depending on the quantity consumed, quality and origin. Red meats in particular, such as beef, contain a lot of iron, which can help with iron deficiency. Light-colored meats such as chicken and turkey are considered low in fat, but very high in protein, which makes them the ideal source of protein for athletes. The amount of natural animal fat that people can get from meat can often be enough to meet their daily fat requirements and is a much better source than, say, fried fat from chips, potato chips and other fast food. Minerals apart from iron are also found in most meats. Despite its health benefits, meat still contains a lot of cholesterol and should therefore not be eaten in excessive quantities, true to the motto: “Quantity makes the poison.” When eating large quantities of meat, people also consume too much fat. Meat from factory farming is also difficult, as it could contain antibiotics, other drug residues and, last but not least, growth hormones. In addition, there are diseases such as BSE or bird flu, which can spread easily, especially in factory farming. Smoked, cured or otherwise industrially processed meat is usually considered rather unhealthy due to its other components.

Ingredients and nutritional values

Since meat has received its rightful place in the diet as a supplier of valuable proteins, it stands to reason that it mainly provides protein. Since nowadays almost only pure muscle meat is consumed, the meat on the plate consists mostly of protein and, depending on the animal, a certain amount of fat and connective tissue. Most meats also contain minerals in varying compositions. In the case of simply prepared meat, only the spices are added; there is nothing more in natural meat. It is quite different with meat from factory farming or industrially processed meat dishes. Here, preservatives, carcinogenic nitrite salts or simply a high fat content can play a role.

Intolerances and allergies

Allergy to meat did not exist for a long time, but some cases are now known. The rare meat allergy manifests itself like any other allergy, but seems to be dependent on the animal origin of the meat.Patients who basically tolerate poultry, for example, reacted to red meats such as beef – but people can also be allergic to poultry or to all types of meat. The reason is probably a sugar molecule in the meat. Genuine intolerances to meat are also rare, since the pure product consists largely of proteins and these are vital. Only in sports circles are some types of meat, such as pork, rejected because they are fattier than, say, chicken – so they do not fit into a low-fat diet.

Shopping and kitchen tips

Meat is an ingredient that absolutely must be fresh, which also makes it somewhat difficult to purchase and store. Unprocessed, raw meat must be used up within a few days, the expiration date being the determining factor. After that, it should either not be eaten at all or, if it looks and smells good, it should only be prepared at high temperatures to kill off any possible germs. Raw, fresh meat is generally stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, if possible. There are dishes prepared from raw meat, but safer for health is cooked meat. It is important that the meat reaches a certain minimum temperature, often at least 80°C is recommended. At this temperature, the most serious germs should die and are therefore no longer dangerous to humans. Steaks are therefore usually safe, but safer are meats that have rather exceeded this minimum temperature. That’s why pregnant women are also advised against English- or medium-roasted steaks.

Preparation tips

Many kinds of spices go well with meat. The meat can be marinated in a mixture of oils and spices, rubbed or seasoned with them during cooking. The best way to heat the meat also depends on the recipe. Usually it is first seared over high heat, which destroys the proteins in the top layers of meat and allows the crispy crust to form. Inside, the meat remains juicy and becomes soft. After that, meat can be cooked at very low temperatures until it almost falls apart, or it can be further roasted, boiled, or served as a chowder with soup. The cooking time of meat depends on the type of animal it comes from, as well as its thickness. For thin cuts of meat such as minute steaks or diced meat, a few minutes is sufficient; for a roast or a whole bird such as a goose or turkey, it may be several hours.