Medical evaluation of the diet | Diet pills

Medical evaluation of the diet

The actual effect of diet pills has no scientific basis. Mostly the expensive capsules are simply ineffective and pure money making, in other cases they can even be dangerous for the consumer. From a medical point of view, diet pills are pointless and superfluous to achieve weight loss.

Instead of deceiving consumers, more should be invested in education about a healthy lifestyle. Instead, the weight loss industry even has an interest in diets failing to sell products. Not to correspond to the ideal of the society, but particularly from health viewpoint obese humans should be supported in their desire to decrease.More must be done to promote healthy, balanced nutrition and exercise in everyday life.

Doctors who use prescription drugs outside the indication to help their patients lose weight are acting grossly negligent, supporting false illusions and accepting severe to life-threatening side effects of the drugs. Diets that promise rapid weight loss are a dime a dozen. They all have one thing in common: the energy supplied is significantly lower than the energy the body needs on a daily basis.

Many also rely on a strict reduction of carbohydrates. Especially this measure leads to a strong weight loss especially at the beginning of a diet: The body goes to the carbohydrate stores in muscle and liver and simultaneously loses a large amount of water. Especially the great successes through water loss motivate many people in a diet.

Unfortunately, the calorie deficit is usually so high, and the protein intake so low, that motivation quickly drops, side effects due to sugar deficiency or frustration occur and valuable muscle mass is lost. Not infrequently, diets are then thrown over the edge and people return to their old form of nutrition. The lost kilos quickly land back on the hips.

A really successful alternative to crash diets or diets with miracle cures such as Fatburners can only be a change in eating habits in the long run. If you want to lose weight, you have to take care to eat less than you consume. At the same time, the body must be supplied with all the macronutrients such as proteins, healthy fats and, in moderation, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, trace elements and other essential nutrients.

Most promising are mixed diets, i.e. diets that allow all foods. The smaller the calorie deficit, the smaller the reduction, but the more likely it is that frustration and hunger attacks will not occur. The concept of Weight Watchers offers a good introduction to the topic of healthy nutrition. Calorie counting is the most accurate way. Whoever deals with the topic of nutrition, roughly adheres to the guidelines of national and international nutritional societies and additionally incorporates even more exercise into everyday life has good cards in his hand to finally and permanently get to grips with the fat pads.