Medical evaluation of the diet | Double Heart Diet Shake

Medical evaluation of the diet

The diet shakes from Doppelherz® in the form of a formula diet are very radical, especially in the weight loss phase, and are difficult for many people to keep up, as this diet requires a lot of discipline. However, diet shakes are particularly effective in terms of weight loss if the diet is strictly followed. Since diet shakes are very high in protein, the body uses this protein and its own fat tissue as energy sources.

The fat metabolism is actively stimulated, while the own muscles are protected despite the few calories. Therefore, people who stick to this diet often manage to lose a lot of weight in a very short time. However, the individual weight loss is strongly dependent on the initial situation, the other nutrition during the diet and additional sports.

A plus point of the diet shakes are added vitamins and trace elements, which prevent dangerous deficiency symptoms. Serious disadvantages of the diet are, however, concentration difficulties and poor performance, which make it considerably more difficult to implement in everyday working life. When dieting with Doppelherz® Diet Shakes, it is very important to approach the transition in a balanced, healthy diet slowly in order to avoid the yo-yo effect.

What alternative diet shakes are available

Well-known manufacturers of similarly effective diet shakes include Almased, NISY and Yokebe. The Almased powder uses an especially isoflavone-rich soy protein and probiotic skimmed milk yoghurt. In contrast to the vanilla and chocolate flavors in Doppelherz®, the Almased Shake is sweetened only with natural honey.

The concept of Yokebe powder, which contains milk, whey and soya proteins, is similar. This shake is also sweetened with natural honey, and both Almased and Yokebe contain important vitamins and trace elements to prevent deficiency symptoms. A cheaper alternative is the WellMix Protein Shake from Rossmann, which is particularly suitable for athletes.

It contains milk and whey protein, magnesium and additionally L-carnitine, which supports muscle building. In drugstores, supermarkets and pharmacies there are numerous protein-containing diet shake powder varieties to lose weight effectively in a formula diet. It is important to make sure that the products are low in carbohydrates, low in calories and high in protein. Often hidden sugar traps are found in diet powder.