Medical evaluation of the diet | The Food Combining Diet

Medical evaluation of the diet

The scientific background of the separation food diet is again and again critically examined. Many nutritionists question the permanent separation of protein products and carbohydrates. Many experts also criticize Hay’s assumption that carbohydrates and proteins are not separable because many foods are made up of both main nutrients.

In a healthy person, both carbohydrate and protein-splitting enzymes are released into the intestine during digestion, so that the simultaneous digestion of proteins and carbohydrates is physiological. Nonetheless, for many people, food combining successfully stimulates the fat metabolism. The change in diet has a detoxifying effect and therefore “puts less strain on the food”.

Another positive aspect of this diet is the high consumption of fruit and vegetables. At the same time a reduced meat consumption is recommended, which the German Society for Nutrition advocates. In addition, the food combining diet offers a wide range of recipe options, which makes it easier to stick to the diet.

What alternative diets are available to the separation diet?

If you want to lose a lot of weight quickly, many people go on radical mono diets, which are usually very one-sided and difficult to keep up. Examples are the fruit diet, the vegetable diet or the well-tried cabbage soup diet. It is not uncommon for a yoyo effect to follow a mono diet.

Turbo diets with protein-containing shakes from Almased or Yokebe as well as the Military Diet are also gaining in popularity due to their rapid consumer success. Low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet, the Logi Method or the Glyx Diet are also particularly popular. The Atkins diet works according to a strict multi-phase diet program, which includes disciplined sports units.

The Logi method aims to achieve low blood sugar and insulin levels and can be understood as a permanent diet and is well suited to combat obesity. The Glyx diet emphasizes the glycemic index of the different foods and does not allow snacks between meals. The Paleo Diet is a special diet that tries to imitate the diet of hunters and gatherers in the Palaeolithic Age. The diet is based on a healthy diet without industrially produced food and dairy products.