Medical evaluation of the diet | The fruit diet

Medical evaluation of the diet

The fruit diet is one-sided, since only fresh fruit may be eaten or drunk over the diet period. This means that the diet is not sustainable for everyone over several days. The one-sidedness of the diet can lead to the fact that not all vitamins, trace elements and nutrients necessary for the body are taken up with the food.

One consequence can be deficiency symptoms that are dangerous. Another point is the fruit sugar content, which varies in the different types of fruit. The problem is that the intestine absorbs and metabolizes fructose just like industrial sugar from sweets.

If we eat thus the whole day calorie-rich sugary bananas, we can even increase with this Diät. Consequently, we must pay close attention to the right fruit and the contents. Nevertheless, fruit contains valuable nutrients and should be part of a balanced diet. The WHO, for example, recommends that we eat 5 portions of fruit a day in order to absorb the vitamins from the fruit in addition to the valuable ingredients of other foods. We therefore consider 1 to 2 fruit days a week to be safe, but a fruit diet should not be carried out for longer than a week.

What alternatives are there to the fruit diet?

A very sensible alternative to the pure fruit diet is the fruit and vegetable diet, in which both fruit and vegetables may be eaten. You don’t have to go hungry and there are many different ways of preparing fruit and vegetables and different flavors, so the diet can be kept up well. Also popular is the low-carb diet, in which carbohydrates are largely replaced by protein.

The aim is for the body to gain energy from the protein in the food and gradually break down the body’s own fat instead of incorporating sugar from the food into the fat pads. A popular example of this is the low-carb Atkins diet, which consists of individual phases and prescribes a disciplined diet plan.If you don’t want to do without carbohydrates, you can try diets that are particularly rich in carbohydrates, such as the rice diet or potato diet. The tried and tested cabbage soup diet, which is however very one-sided, brings quick success. In general, people who have not done much exercise before will start slowly with the training, increase gradually and thus reach and then maintain the desired weight in the long term. Sleep and lose weight