Medication for baby diarrhea | Medicines against diarrhea

Medication for baby diarrhea

Diarrhea in infants is common, but usually has no serious causes. Mostly a bacterial or viral infection is present, which has passed again within one day. If the diarrhea persists or is very severe, however, various medications can be used to treat diarrhea in small children.

More important than medicines against diarrhoea in small children, however, is a sufficient water supply and also sufficient fiber. Grated apples and mashed bananas are particularly suitable, but also dry potatoes or noodles or a pure carrot soup are suitable. As a natural medicine against diarrhea in children, there is tea made from dried blueberries, which after 10 minutes of infusion is a well tolerated medicine against diarrhea in small children. All other medicines should be discussed with a pediatrician for infants. In addition, if diarrhea persists for a long time, a pediatrician should be consulted, as otherwise the infant may lose too much fluid.

Medicines for diarrhea in children

If a child suffers from diarrhoea, household remedies can also be used. Tea made from dried blueberries is very well suited as a medicine against diarrhea in children. It is important to ensure that they do not dehydrate, i.e. do not lose too much fluid, and the absorption of nutrients should also be ensured.

The constant intake of liquid is therefore essential for children suffering from diarrhoea. Indirectly as a medicine against diarrhoea, grated apples, crushed bananas and a pure carrot soup without the addition of cream or broth help. If the diarrhoea persists, a doctor must be consulted. As a medicine against diarrhoea in children, drugs can be prescribed which contain the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii as the active ingredient. These medicines for diarrhea are well tolerated by children and can be given to children over 2 years of age after consultation with a pediatrician.

Medicines for adult diarrhea

The drugs used to treat diarrhea in adults differ in their active ingredients. The drugs Loperamid® and Omniflora® acute are used particularly frequently. Other drugs used to treat diarrhea in adults include Elotrans®, activated carbon, UZARA® and Metifex®.

Not all of the medicines for diarrhea in adults directly help to prevent diarrhea. Some of the medications are much more likely to make up for the dehydration caused by the diarrhea. In general, medications for diarrhea in adults can help and may also be useful.

However, the underlying cause can usually only be determined by the doctor. For example, if a patient suffers from the chronic intestinal disease ulcerative colitis, the treatment of the underlying disease is the main focus, which in the best case leads to a decrease in diarrhea. Adults can also benefit from the effects of home remedies such as grated apples and carrot soup as well as bed rest, in many cases this is sufficient to get the diarrhea under control. However, if the diarrhea gets worse, a doctor should be consulted to give medication against diarrhea in adults, depending on the diarrhea’s cause and illness.