Medication for Children

Anyone caring for a sick child needs a lot of patience. Taking medication can also be difficult then. The younger a child is, the more restless he or she may be during an illness.

Tips for administration

If the baby is too fidgety, he or she can be wrapped in a blanket and held gently for medication administration. The baby should then be held as if being fed – never lie on his or her back. For infants and toddlers, juices and drops are easy to draw up with a disposable syringe (without a needle!) and can then be dribbled into the mouth. Medication aspirators, available at pharmacies, are a good alternative. Before mixing medicines for children with drinks or food, it is advisable to ask the pharmacy whether this can lead to interactions. It makes sense to give the child a spoonful of porridge, curd or a sip of the favorite drink after taking it to wash down the taste of the medicine. For sore throats, a water ice can help, cooling and hydrating at the same time. Essential oils can also be inhaled via an inhalation aspirator. Menthol-containing inhalants, however, are not suitable for children – they can cause cramps in the little ones due to the active ingredient content. Therefore, extra menthol-free inhalants for children are available in pharmacies.

Dosage for infants

Infants need medicines in precisely specified dosages. If the dosages are taken irregularly or incorrectly, there is a risk that the medication will not work or may even harm the child. Infants are usually much more sensitive than older children. And not all dosages increase with weight and age. Therefore, parents should never change the recommended dosage on their own. If a child vomits shortly after the medication is given or has diarrhea immediately after the suppository, the medication can be given again. If more than 30 minutes have passed since the medication was given, it has been absorbed by the body. If diarrhea or vomiting occurs later, the pediatrician should be informed. He or she will then decide whether to repeat the drug administration. Antibiotics for children are often prescribed as “dry juices.” Because many antibiotics do not keep well in solution, they are offered as a powder that is mixed with water to make the juice. The dry powder usually comes in a light-insensitive brown bottle that has markings on the outside. Tap water can usually be used to mix the juice. In order for the dissolution to be successful, the following should be observed:

  • Thoroughly shake the dregs with a little water and mix well.
  • Let stand for a few minutes so that the foam settles.
  • Now fill the bottle to the mark and mix well again. Tip: Write the date on the packaging.
  • After making, most antibiotic juices belong in the refrigerator, as they can be kept here a little longer.
  • Before the next dose, the juice must be shaken well again, so that the active ingredient is distributed evenly again.

The exact level in the bottle is important, because otherwise the subsequent dosage with the enclosed measuring cup or spoon is also inaccurate. To measure the individual doses should use the supplied measuring spoon or measuring cup if possible, but in any case always the same measuring instrument.

Storing medicines safely

Any medicine must be kept out of the reach of children. This is true even if medicines are used regularly for an acute illness. Children’s hands can stick suppositories or tablets lying around into their mouths, noses or ears in a flash. The same applies to visits to grandma and grandpa: Grandpa’s heart medication can quickly become bitter pills for the offspring. Medication should be kept in a lockable medicine cabinet, preferably in the parents’ bedroom. The kitchen or bathroom is usually too humid and warm to keep medications there. Finally, parents should also be wary of comparing medications to candy or other sweets. Children need to learn early on that medications serve only one purpose – to get healthy and are not sweets to snack on all the time.There’s nothing wrong with a sweet treat after the bitter medicine: but an extra snuggle or an extra chapter from your current favorite book can also help.