Medication without aluminum against heartburn | Medicines for heartburn

Medication without aluminum against heartburn

The active ingredient aluminum is found in some drugs for heartburn, which belong to the antacid group. The use of these drugs is not recommended because the aluminum can be deposited in the bones and brain when large quantities are taken. Aluminum-containing drugs for heartburn should not be taken during pregnancy either. Aluminium is contained, for example, in the over-the-counter drug Megalac ®.

Medicines for heartburn in children

Heartburn in children is often caused by an unhealthy diet and should be treated with a healthy lifestyle. In the case of lighter complaints also with children vegetable medicines or teas can be used, since these are very well compatible. If heartburn occurs more frequently, a doctor should look for the cause and possibly treat the symptoms with medication. Children should not take medication from the group of proton pump inhibitors. Which antacids and H2-blockers are suitable for your child can be discussed with the pediatrician.

Side effects

If you want to treat mild heartburn with herbal medicines, Iberogast®, for example, which uses extracts from nine different medicinal plants to stimulate digestion in the stomach and thus relieve heartburn, can help. Contained: Loop flower, angelica root, chamomile, caraway, milk thistle, lemon balm, peppermint, celandine and liquorice root. Of course, teas made from the corresponding herbs also help with mild complaints.

When buying a tea, you should make sure that it does not contain only small amounts of the plants mentioned, as is often the case with teas from the supermarket. Many of the medicinal plants mentioned can also be purchased in drop form from the pharmacy. With peppermint you should pay attention to whether it is good for your stomach, because it can increase the heartburn if necessary. Other helpful medicinal plants for heartburn are marshmallow root (a tea should be prepared with cold water), meadowsweet (it is better to avoid it during pregnancy), ginger, lovage, artichoke and mallow.