Medicinal Yeast


Products containing medicinal yeast are commercially available as medicines, dietary supplements, and foods, including tablets, powders, liquid preparations, and capsules.

Structure and properties

Medicinal yeasts are mainly used from the genus, especially the common brewer’s yeast and very closely related subspecies such as (synonym: var. ), which is scientifically well documented. Medicinal yeast is referred to as Faex medicinalis. Medicinal yeast is rich in vitamins (e.g., vitamin B complex), amino acids, minerals, trace elements, and enzymes, and is therefore used as a tonic and natural vitamin supplement.


Medicinal yeast is antidiarrheal and has antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties. The fungus is viable but does not settle permanently in the intestine; it is excreted within a few days. In the non-medical field plays a central role in baking and in the production of alcoholic beverages. Yeast ferments glucose (grape sugar) and other sugars to alcohol (ethanol). This process also produces the gas carbon dioxide (CO2), which causes the bread to rise. Glucose usually comes from starches, which are hydrolytically cleaved by amylases.


Yeasts are used medically mainly for the prevention and treatment of diarrhea of various causes, for example, due to antibiotic therapy or traveler’s diarrhea. Other areas of application:

  • For the preparation of tonics, as a natural vitamin preparation.
  • Hair loss, brittle nails.
  • Skin diseases, acne.


According to the package insert. Yeasts are sensitive to excessively hot (> 50°C), alcoholic and ice-cold liquids or foods and should not be mixed with them.


  • Hypersensitivity

Further precautions apply to products containing live yeasts (e.g. ):

  • Seriously ill patients
  • Medically relevant immunosuppression
  • Patients with central venous catheters

For complete precautions, see the drug label.


Yeasts are sensitive to antifungals and should not be combined with them. Combination with antibiotics, however, is possible. Together with MAO inhibitors, an increase in blood pressure may occur.

Adverse effects

Products containing medicinal yeast are usually well tolerated and rarely cause adverse effects.