Medicines for coughing fits | Medication for cough

Medicines for coughing fits

An acute coughing attack often occurs very suddenly. It begins with a slight scratching of the throat, which quickly becomes very unpleasant. The affected person feels the urge to cough.

Typical for a coughing attack is that one cannot stop coughing and sometimes even has the feeling of not being able to breathe. In such a case the first thing to do is to remain calm. If the pauses between coughing are long enough, you can try to take a careful sip of water or lukewarm tea.

This is often enough to soothe irritated mucous membranes a little and interrupt the coughing attack. Alternatively, it is recommended to suck a cough sweet with cough-relieving active ingredients such as sage, Icelandic moss or eucalyptus. If the coughing attack is interrupted, you must make sure that you drink enough to avoid another coughing attack. Water or tea with honey are particularly suitable. Medications for coughing belong to the category of cough suppressants, which are also used for coughing.

Medicines for chesty cough

Irritant cough, or dry cough without phlegm is more frequent at night and robs the patient of sleep. In order to sleep through the night and get rid of the annoying cough, one can take cough suppressants. These are medicines for coughs, which act on the cough center in the brain and dampen the cough reflex.

The active ingredients used are codeine, dihydrocodeine or dextrometorphan.In pharmacies, for example, Monopax® is available as a cough suppressant. With allergy-conditioned cough the medicines often contain anti-inflammatory materials such as Kortison over beside the Reizhusten also the swelling in the Bronchien to improve. It is recommended to take cough-relieving medication in the evening so that you do not have to cough continuously overnight. The treatment can be supplemented well with home remedies and above all with sufficient fluid intake.

Medicines for mucus

Productive, phlegm-promoting coughs are more likely to occur later in colds or flu-like infections. You can support the coughing up of phlegm by taking medication that dissolves the cough or the phlegm. The active ingredients used are acetylcysteine (ACC) or Abroxol.

Both substances dissolve mucus by splitting chemical compounds within the secretion molecules and promote the coughing up of the secretion from the respiratory tract. Cough relievers are therefore better taken in the morning, as the cough is promoted more by the expectorant effect than it is breastfed. If you take Cough Loosener in the evening, you may lose sleep yourself.