Medicines for gum inflammation


There are a variety of ways to treat gingivitis. The doctor mainly prescribes and uses antibiotics. These are usually only available on prescription.

Since the application is not always induced, often no medication is used in the therapy. There are, however, some alternative means that the person affected can use themselves. The ingredients here are dosed so low that the drugs can be sold freely. For example, there are mouth rinses or ointments containing antibiotics. Herbal or homeopathic substances can also be used to accelerate the healing process independently.

What over-the-counter drugs are available?

An effective medication that is also used by the dentist is the mouth rinse with chlorhexidine. Depending on the concentration, the duration of action varies. Mouth rinsing solutions with 0.2 % are freely available.

They should be used 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. The active ingredient chlorhexidine is also available in gel form. This can be applied directly to certain areas.

The drug Solcoseryl with the active ingredient lauromacrogol is also available as a paste or gel. It is used against itching and for surface anaesthesia. Kamisad Gel has a similar effect.

Pyralvex is a 60% alcohol solution that disinfects the oral mucosa. For light anaesthesia, lozenges like Neo Angin or Dolo Dobendan help. Some of them also have the advantage that they have an anti-inflammatory effect.

They also stimulate the flow of saliva, which carries antibodies with it that can additionally fight the inflammation. Sprays which are sprayed into the oral cavity are disinfecting over a large area. Hexetidine has an antibacterial effect and is contained in Hexoral Spray, for example.

It can also be used in the throat area. The advantage is that it also kills any bacteria from the throat. These cannot attack the gums additionally. Tantum Verde with the active ingredient benzydamine is both antibacterial and thus anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving. This product is freely available as a spray as well as a rinsing solution or as lozenges.