Medicines for heartburn


Many people suffer from heartburn at least once in their lives. Often the symptoms disappear by themselves within a short time. For some people, however, heartburn is more persistent. In order to get it under control, various household remedies but also medicines can be used.

Active ingredient groups

Various active ingredients can be used against heartburn. For heartburn that only exists temporarily, the so-called antacids can be used. Prolonged heartburn can be treated with proton pump inhibitors.

Antacids are substances which, when taken, neutralize the acid in the stomach. They are compounds based on magnesium, calcium and aluminum. Examples of common antacids are aluminium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate.

The therapy of heartburn with antacids is a purely symptomatic therapy. This means that only the symptoms of heartburn are treated, but not its cause. The stomach acid is neutralized, but the acid production itself is not reduced or stopped.

Antacids are very effective for temporary heartburn, however. The H2 blockers block a specific histamine receptor in the stomach, which leads to an increase in the production of stomach acid. In comparison to the proton pump inhibitors (see below), the inhibition of acid production by the H2-blockers is less pronounced.

Preparations belonging to this group are for example Ranitidine, Famotidine and Nizatidine. Via proton pumps in the stomach mucosa, the protons enter the hydrochloric acid of the stomach. They are therefore an essential component of the production of gastric acid.

In the case of permanent heartburn, it is therefore helpful to block these proton pumps so that less acid can be produced in the stomach. This is achieved by using proton pump inhibitors, for example pantoprazole or omeprazole. Also in the therapy of stomach ulcers proton pump inhibitors play a large role.

Liquid medicines for heartburn

Most common heartburn medications are administered as tablets. However, some preparations are also available in liquid form and can therefore be taken very easily. Among the available drugs are: Talcid® Liquid (active ingredient: hydrotalcite), Megalac® (active ingredient: almasilate, contains aluminum), Maaloxan® (active ingredient: algeldrate, magnesium hydroxide). These liquid drugs are generally used for self-therapy for heartburn, can be purchased over the counter from pharmacies and taken over a period of a few days.