Medicines on the Road

Alcohol impairs driving ability – everyone is aware of this fact. But how do medications affect driving? Which drugs are particularly critical? The proportion of accidents in which alcohol is involved is 37%. After all, about 20% of all accidents are contributed to by medications.

What disorders can occur?

Especially when driving a car or operating machinery, a sharpened perception is required. Seeing, hearing, acting quickly, reacting correctly and all of this in fractions of a second is necessary to be able to drive a vehicle safely. If disturbances such as confusion, dizziness, distorted vision, double perceptions or fatigue occur, the reaction time is prolonged. In addition, impaired critical faculties and slower comprehension can lead to further limitations.

Which medications should be used with caution

  • Sedatives and sleeping pills.
    These agents can sometimes cause considerable impairment when driving or operating machinery, as their sedative effect reduces alertness. The effect can last – depending on the time of ingestion – even until the next morning.
  • Eye drops
    Care should also be taken with all pupil dilating eye drops. If you have been to the ophthalmologist and he dripped the eye wide for appropriate examinations, the eye is extremely sensitive to light for several hours afterwards.
  • Insulin and antidiabetic drugs
    Diabetics can get into hypoglycemia from their medications, which in turn can cause confusion, tremors or vision problems. On the other hand, it is only through these medications that diabetics are able to drive. A well-adjusted diabetic who correctly interprets the signs of impending hypoglycemia, can participate in road traffic without any problems.
  • Remedies for hay fever and allergies.
    The older anti-allergy drugs, known as H


    Antihistamines, can make people tired – alertness and responsiveness decrease. For people who are dependent on the car, there are now anti-allergic drugs that no longer have this side effect.
  • Medicines containing alcohol
    Flu drops, immune stimulants or cough drops almost all contain alcohol. In conjunction with other drugs such as sleeping pills, the effect of the alcohol and the sleeping pills can be potentiated.
  • Drugs for seizure disorders.
    Antiepileptic drugs can affect driving ability through their side effects. Dangerous are also dose changes and changes in the drug used.
  • Other agents that can affect the ability to drive:
    Preparations for travel nausea, some appetite suppressants, agents for gastrointestinal ulcers, agents for muscle tension – the so-called central muscle relaxants, and some Parkinson’s drugs.

Tips for safe participation in road traffic

  • If you have to take several medicines, the effects of the individual active ingredients can not only add up, but also become potentiated. Therefore, you should inform your doctor which drugs you are also taking.
  • Take your medications at the specified time. A laxative taken at the wrong time can show very unpleasant effects.
  • If you need to take medicines that affect driving ability, do not drink alcohol!
  • Adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  • In the elderly, even a normal dose may show stronger effects or side effects.

In general, it can be said that for all medications that are taken for the first time the package insert should be read well to be informed accordingly. With the large number of modes of action, the information about the interrelationships is very important. The pharmacy can advise you on the side effects and interactions of each medication.