Menopausal Nutrition

From the age of 40, an average of 0.3 to 0.5 percent of bone mass is lost per year. In the period before and after menopause, the rate of loss increases by an average of 2 to 5 percent per year.

Regular exercise and an optimal supply of calcium and vitamin D are essential for maintaining the skeletal system. Vitamin D can be formed in the skin with the help of UV light, but this ability decreases with increasing years of life. In addition to calcium, vitamin D prevents bone loss and osteoporosis, because this nutrient ensures that calcium can be absorbed in the intestine in the first place and incorporated into the bones.

Vitamin D: Nutritional supplementation

Liver, eggs, fish and mushrooms provide certain amounts of vitamin D, but reliable is a specific dietary supplement, which should be discussed with the gynecologist. In addition, preparations containing zinc, chromium, silicon and manganese help to counteract bone loss.

Depending on life circumstances, weight, age and underlying diseases, as well as medication intake, the dietary supplement should be determined.

Soy, red clover and co.

Isoflavone-rich preparations from soy as well as red clover extract are often promoted to alleviate menopausal symptoms. Isoflavones can have a hormone-like effect in the body. In advertisements and on product packaging, they are described as natural substances without side effects. However, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment came to the opposite conclusion.

Investigations showed that isoflavones in isolated form and in high doses impair the function of the thyroid gland and alter mammary gland tissue. It can also not be completely ruled out that the development of breast cancer could be promoted. Since there is no sound evidence and comparative studies to date for relief of menopausal symptoms, the use of these preparations cannot be recommended.

Regular meals

There is evidence that hot flashes and sweats occur especially when blood glucose levels drop sharply. Regular meals that match energy expenditure are therefore recommended, especially during menopause. Alcohol and coffee can intensify hot flashes and should only be consumed in small quantities, at least if the symptoms are pronounced.

Women who are fully informed about the processes in their body and deal calmly with the new stage of life often have fewer complaints.