Menopause: Take Special Care of Skin Now

Beauty comes from within – but in menopause also dry skin, brittle hair and pimples. The blame for the “inner skin aging” are the hormones. “With the onset of menopause, the concentration of female sex hormones decreases. Since they help the cells to store fluid, the moisture content of the skin and mucous membranes also decreases during menopause,” explains Dr. Susanne Holthausen, a physician at the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). After the hormonal change, the skin also renews itself more slowly, becomes thinner, less elastic and more susceptible to wrinkles and injuries. “The changes that menopause brings for skin and hair cannot be stopped. But the process can be slowed down and even compensated for in some cases,” says Holthausen. First of all, it is important to carry out particularly thorough body care, for example with mild washing lotions and creams containing moisture and fat. The sensitive facial skin should be creamed at least twice a day with a lightly greasy and moisture-rich facial care. When showering, bathing or washing hands, the doctor advises moisturizing wash lotions instead of moisture-dehydrating alcohol tinctures.

Drink plenty of fluids

Many women also underestimate their fluid needs. And those who drink too little additionally dry out their skin. During the period of hormonal change, women should therefore pay particular attention to drinking enough – two to three liters a day, preferably mineral water, fruit tea or juice spritzers. Gentle brush massages, fresh air and visits to the sauna additionally stimulate the blood circulation of the skin and do good.

However, overly intense facial massages have the opposite effect, as they drive moisture out of the cells. Cosmetic treatments can also be a treat for skin and soul, but they only have a temporary effect. Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, needs to be well considered: “Complications are always possible with operations, and even lifting does not make the skin younger, but only tightens it,” warns the TK doctor. Such procedures should be performed, if at all, only by experienced specialists in plastic surgery.

Caution sun

As we age, the skin’s sensitivity to light also increases. The skin pigment melanin, which ensures tanning and protects against sunburn, is produced by the body in smaller quantities than in the past, as the number of pigment-forming cells decreases. For this reason, extensive sunbathing and visits to solariums – which also promote the development of so-called age spots – should be taboo at the latest with the onset of menopause. In summer, sun creams with a high sun protection factor, long-sleeved clothing, scarves and wide-brimmed hats offer additional protection.

Declining estrogen levels

Decreasing estrogen levels can cause hair to lose its elasticity, become thinner or even fall out more. In order not to put additional stress on it, women should not dye their hair during menopause and also refrain from perming. In addition, therapy with estrogens can also help – either as hair tonic or also in tablet form.

Nevertheless, Holthausen advises a critical approach to hormone therapy: “An American study has shown that therapy with hormone replacement products during menopause carries greater risks than previously assumed,” says the doctor. According to the study, certain hormone preparations increase the risk of diseases such as breast cancer, stroke, heart attack or thrombosis. Dr. Susanne Holthausen recommends carefully weighing the risks and benefits of hormone therapy: “Ultimately, only each woman can decide for herself how much to limit her symptoms.”

In any case, the TK expert advises against taking hormones only as a preventive measure.