Menorrhagia: Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease)

Bleeding is prolonged (>6 days) and increased in menorrhagia. In most cases, organic changes that limit uterine contraction (contraction of the uterine muscles) are causative.

Etiology (causes)

Biographic causes

  • Hormonal factors
    • Puberty
    • Perimenopause – transitional phase between premenopause and postmenopause; varying lengths of years before menopause (about five years) and after menopause (1 year).

Causes related to disease

Blood, blood-forming organs – immune system (D50-D90).

  • Coagulation disorders

Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders (E00-E90).

Liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts – Pancreas (pancreas) (K70-K77; K80-K87).

  • Cirrhosis of the liver (liver shrinkage).

Neoplasms – tumor diseases (C00-D48)

Genitourinary system (kidneys, urinary tract – reproductive organs) (N00-N99).
