Meteroism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Meteroism describes a condition that is often not immediately recognized and thus not treated. In addition, flatulence, a disease of the digestive system, is unpleasant for many sufferers. Abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness, even after a small intake of food, as well as a stomach that appears as bulging as a medicine ball, these are the symptoms of meteorism.

What is meteorism?

The term meteorism refers to an abnormal accumulation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Everyone has air that is expelled by belching or through the anus. This happens on average up to 15 times a day. The sometimes unpleasant odor of intestinal gases comes from bacteria in the colon. These produce gases containing sulfur. In meteorism, these symptoms occur more frequently. The abdomen is bulging and distended.


Many medical professionals suspect that flabby abdominal muscles are among the main causes of meteorism. With the intake of too many fatty foods and too little exercise, the fat and therefore the gases are stored in the soft abdominal area. They settle here and do not go their natural way. As a result, the abdomen becomes even more bloated and grows. A diet high in fiber, cellulose and fat is similar. The body has a hard time processing the gas buildup. In healthy people, the bloating goes away in a normal way, but in people affected by meteorism, it accumulates inside the intestines. Cabbage, salads and legumes, for example, are known for their bloating effects. Lactose, fructose and gluten can also be the trigger for gas accumulation. Hastily gulped down food, carbonated soft drinks and artificial sugar substitutes can also cause a bloated belly. Health conditions that can lead to meteorism include:

  • Disturbances regarding the onward transport of intestinal contents: Putrefactive bacteria can collect in the areas where the stool remains longer.
  • Disturbances in the blood circulation (digestive organs).
  • Liver damage
  • Heart muscle weakness
  • Acute and severe meteorism may also result from intestinal obstruction. This must be treated immediately surgically or with intensive care (depending on the cause).

Symptoms, complaints and signs

In meteorism, there is a spherical inflation of the abdomen. In most cases, it feels hard and is very sensitive to pressure. The bloated abdomen causes an uncomfortable and agonizing feeling, which is intensified when sitting or wearing constricting clothing. In addition, accompanying symptoms such as a feeling of tension and fullness, stool irregularities, abdominal pain, bowel sounds, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea are possible. As a result of the fact that many of those affected can only concentrate on the bloated abdomen, their physical, but also their mental well-being and general performance are considerably restricted. The gases are often not let out due to a feeling of shame, which reinforces the bloated abdomen, as the feeling of tension usually only subsides after the winds and bowel movements have gone.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

Sufferers often do not seek medical attention until the bloated abdomen has been present for many days and does not disappear on its own. The upper and lower abdomen are usually hard, swollen and due to the bloated stomach area, there is also severe pain. A bloated stomach is usually easy for a physician to diagnose, so that targeted treatment can be initiated quickly. In the case of meteorism, this depends on the corresponding cause. If meteorism occurs in combination with other complaints such as severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, it is important to consult a doctor. This can detect or, in the best case, exclude serious diseases such as gastritis, stomach cancer, hepatitis or pancreatitis.


Due to meteroism, affected individuals suffer from severe discomfort in the abdomen and stomach. This usually involves diarrhea and a very distended abdomen. As a result, many sufferers also suffer from inferiority complexes or lowered self-esteem due to the bloated stomach. Furthermore, constipation or diarrhea also occurs. The abdomen itself is often tense and there is nausea or disturbing noises in the intestines.The bowel movements of the affected person are often irregular, which can lead to severe restrictions and discomfort in everyday life. In general, the patient’s quality of life is significantly reduced by the disease. Complications usually occur if the meteroism does not disappear on its own and is not treated. This increases the risk of serious diseases, which in the worst case can lead to the death of the patient. In many cases, the symptoms of meteroism can be treated with simple means, and there are no particular complications. In some cases, however, medication or surgical intervention is necessary. If treatment of meteroism begins early, there is usually no decreased life expectancy for the patient.

Treatment and therapy

  • Change of diet

In the case of meteorism, the first thing to do is to avoid dairy products. An exception is yogurt. As an alternative, it is recommended to consume lactose-free dairy products. In addition, it is advisable to avoid fruit and appropriate juices. Legumes contain indigestible carbohydrates, so these should also be avoided. Cooked vegetables are better than raw vegetables and mixed bread should be chosen instead of wholemeal bread. Carbonated drinks should be replaced by herbal teas with a stomach-soothing effect, such as fennel tea. In addition, there are digestion-stimulating products, for example caraway and sauerkraut. The purpose of the change is to find out whether the diet is the cause of meteorism.

  • Abdominal training

Sports and a targeted abdominal muscle training helps to counteract meteorism. Strong abdominal muscles support the movements of the intestines. This prevents prolonged retention of stool and the resulting gas formation. An electric blanket or hot water bottle placed on the abdomen or a warm bath also often provide relief.

  • Medication

There are several drugs that help to eliminate meteorism. Herbal remedies containing, for example, caraway, peppermint, fennel, anise and lemon balm, which have an antispasmodic effect. Chemical agents that lead to relaxation and ensure that the intestinal contents are transported better. Also combination preparations containing enzymes to achieve faster digestion and food absorption. Lactase tablets for meteorism due to lactose intolerance, herbal combination preparations and charcoal preparations can also provide relief. Alternatively, laxative suppositories can be used to stimulate bowel movements and thus achieve a discharge of intestinal gases.

Outlook and prognosis

Meteroism has a favorable prognosis. In addition to numerous self-help measures, drug treatment is initiated. This successively leads to a regression of the existing symptoms and ultimately to recovery. The challenge, however, lies in the diagnosis. The disease often remains unnoticed for a long time. In addition, the clinical picture often indicates the presence of another disease, so that confusion occurs in a large number of cases. If a correct diagnosis is made, the person affected can make a considerable contribution to alleviating the symptoms through measures such as muscle training and a change in diet. For many patients, these measures are already sufficient to achieve freedom from symptoms. Supportive medication is also provided to optimize the healing process. The combination of the self-help measures with the medical care contributes to an improved performance of the organism. Without the changes or the use of treatment, the health irregularities usually remain for a long time. The quality of life is reduced and in everyday life there are restrictions of various kinds. In addition to physical disorders, states of mental stress usually develop over time. In the case of an unfavorable course of the disease and without a correct diagnosis, psychological secondary disorders often occur.


Those who are prone to meteorism should season foods with caraway, fennel, anise and sauté vegetables. Foods should be low in hot spices. Gas-producing vegetables such as onions, garlic, cabbage, legumes and radishes should be avoided.Foods that are too fatty, coarsely ground whole-grain products, coffee, chocolate, and ice-cold and carbonated drinks are also unsuitable. It is important to eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Exercise after eating promotes the escape of gases.


Medical aftercare aims to prevent recurrence of disease and provide daily support to prevent complications. However, this is often not necessary with flatulence, although meteorism requires certain measures. These include avoiding certain foods and meals. If flatulence recurs, close follow-up is necessary. Therapy is then aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes of the flatulence. If the trigger can be eliminated, the associated reactions disappear. Thus, a change in medication and treatment promise success in most cases. The physician agrees on an individual rhythm with his patient in order to check the effectiveness of the therapy. Follow-up care, on the other hand, is more complex when stress or anxiety cause the flatulence. In this case, psychotherapy is usually advisable, in which relaxation techniques are learned. The doctor prescribes appropriate prescriptions until the final success.

What you can do yourself

Keeping a food diary can help track down the triggers of meteorism. If flatulence occurs after eating strongly gas-forming foods such as cabbage or legumes, these should be avoided as far as possible – those who do not want to do without them should cook flatulent vegetables for a sufficiently long time and add some caraway or fennel seeds. If an intolerance to lactose (lactose intolerance) or fructose (fructose intolerance) is present, a change to lactose-free dairy products or the extensive avoidance of fruit and sugar substitutes can significantly alleviate the symptoms. Hasty eating, on the other hand, often aggravates the symptoms; meals should always be eaten calmly and without rushing. If flatulence develops despite preventive measures, in many cases it can be treated well with home remedies. A gentle abdominal massage in a clockwise direction around the navel promotes the release of intestinal gases, and the application of a hot water bottle or a cherry stone pillow has an additional antispasmodic effect. As a tea preparation, a mixture of caraway seeds, peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers and fennel seeds, of which two to three cups are drunk daily, has proven effective. Cloves, anise and ginger also counteract flatulence; they can be added to food as a spice or drunk as an infusion in the case of acute symptoms. In the long term, intestinal rehabilitation with probiotic yogurt or sauerkraut juice can be helpful; if symptoms persist despite self-treatment, a doctor should be consulted.