
Derived from the causes which, according to the current state of knowledge, are possible triggering factors for the development of ADHD or ADHD, it is known that “real” AD(H)S children, i.e. children with a clearly diagnosed attention deficit syndrome with or without hyperactivity, probably under an imbalance of the messenger substances serotonin, dopamine and noradrenalin in the brain, which means that the information transfer between the nerve cells of individual brain areas does not function sufficiently. This is exactly where the drug therapy of ADHD or ADHD begins. It aims to alleviate symptoms and enable the child to live and learn adequately.

At school, the variable and sometimes below-average attention span can have a negative effect on school grades, often accompanied by ADHD symptoms, a reading, spelling or arithmetic weakness. Particularly in the area of learning, accompanying symptoms can be alleviated or additionally treated by drug therapy. Methylphenidate is an essential drug for the promotion of concentration and endurance in cases of proven ADSADHS.

Methylphenidate is an active substance of the psychotropic drugs division and belongs to the so-called stimulants. Contrary to what one might think, the changed behaviour of a child with ADHD (typical symptoms of ADHD) does not lead to a further calming or behavioural attenuation of the child – this would certainly not be the aim with a child with ADHD. Rather, these drugs improve the transmission of stimuli in the brain with the result that the child’s concentration, stamina and alertness can be increased.

As a result, a “dreaming” child appears more “alert”, while a child with typical ADHD symptoms may be “subdued” by the same medication. It can therefore be concluded that stimulants do not work in the same way in all affected children. The same preparations can – depending on the initial situation – cause different modes of action.

Furthermore, there are children who do not respond at all to various drugs. This in turn can have several causes. Among others, not every ADHD or ADHD is treated with stimulants.

Below we will explain which messenger substances can incorrectly influence the transmission of stimuli in the brain and how they can be treated adequately. The group of stimulants, which also includes the active substance “methylphenidate” of many ADHD drugs, belongs to the superordinate group of psychotropic drugs. These are substances that primarily influence the activity of the central nervous system (CNS).

In addition, they influence the psychological functions, such as mood, affectivity and emotionality, but also attention, impulsiveness and drive. Stimulants are those drugs that increase drive and release inhibitions in the field of ADHD therapy. Stimulants can again be divided into two groups:

  • Amphetamines
  • Non – Amphetamines

As already mentioned, it cannot be answered at this point which drugs should be used in each individual case. The treating physician differentiates between drugs of the first choice and drugs of the second (…) choice. Ritalin ®, or drugs with the active ingredient methylphenidate are known drugs and at the same time also first choice drugs.