Microscopic Polyangiitis: Test and Diagnosis

Laboratory parameters of 1st order – obligatory laboratory tests.

  • Small blood count
  • Inflammatory parameters – CRP (C-reactive protein).
  • Urinalysis
    • Microscopy (microhematuria/excretion of blood in urine not visible to the naked eye).
    • Proteinuria (increased excretion of protein in the urine).
  • Autoimmune serology
    • PANCA (perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody); often with the target antigen myeloperoxidase (anti-myeloperoxidase antibody/MPO-ANCA) (in 60% of cases)Note: Histological confirmation of the diagnosis by biopsy of clinically affected organs should be sought.
  • Renal parameters – urea, creatinine, cystatin C or creatinine clearance if necessary.
  • Biopsy (tissue sample) of the kidneys – to detect glomerulonephritis.