Migraine in Women

Sudden attacks of headache, sensitivity to light and noise, through to nausea and vomiting – about a quarter of all women have already suffered from migraine attacks in their lives. Experts estimate that around 300,000 people in Germany are in bed with migraines every day. Depending on their age, women are up to three times more likely to be affected. While the numbers of male and female sufferers are about the same before puberty and at ages 75 and older, many more women suffer from symptoms of migraine than men in the years in between.

Migraine in women: Menstruation one of the causes

It is reasonable to conclude that this unequal distribution is due to hormonal fluctuations that begin with sexual maturity. Indeed, in about ten percent of women, there is a close correlation between menstruation and the onset of migraine symptoms. Doctors distinguish between menstrual as well as menstruation-associated migraine:

  • In menstrual migraine, at least 80 percent of the symptoms occur within the so-called menstrual window. This begins about three days before menstruation and ends with it. This form of migraine is extremely difficult to treat. About ten percent of women suffer from it.
  • In menstruation-associated migraine, at least 50 percent of migraine attacks occur during the menstrual window. This affects about 45 percent of all women.

Causes of migraine during menstruation.

In general, the cause can be seen as the drop in estrogen and progestorone levels during menstruation. Scientists suspect that the hormone estradiol, which also drops, is a major cause of migraine. The drop in the hormone causes sudden vasodilatation. This dilation of the vessels then makes itself felt in some women as a pulsating headache. Many women are also much more sensitive to stress factors due to hormonal fluctuations before menstruation, so this can also lead to migraine attacks. For the remaining 45 percent, no link can be made between the female menstrual cycle and known symptoms of migraine, so it is important to move away from the idea that hormones alone are responsible for migraines in women.

Therapy for migraine during menstruation

Since scientific evidence suggests that the sensation of pain was caused by hormonal fluctuations, physicians often used hormonal forms of therapy to alleviate the discomfort of their female patients. However, this only postponed these complaints of migraine. In the meantime, various approaches and medications are available for the therapy of migraine. If the affected woman suffers not only from headaches but also from nausea and, in particular, vomiting, the active ingredients metoclopramide or domperidone are used as the basis for prescribing further medication. They provide activation of gastric and intestinal activity and in this way reduce nausea and vomiting.

What treatment helps to relieve the headache?

Headaches are divided into mild, moderate and severe attacks. The German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) recommends early use of paracetamol. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen may also be considered for the treatment of migraine. For moderate and severe migraine attacks, the use of so-called triptans is recommended. These are active ingredients that act specifically against acute attacks of migraine. They also relieve other symptoms of migraine, such as nausea and vomiting.

More tips to combat migraines

Since in most cases migraines are triggered by several factors, other measures in addition to drug treatment prove effective:

  • These include, above all, a healthy lifestyle with sufficient sleep and relaxation.
  • Also, a regular daily routine with fixed times for meals and activities, as well as fixed sleep times can alleviate attacks of migraine attacks, as for example stress, hectic and sudden changes are considered contributors to the attacks.
  • Helpful can also be the renunciation of certain foods, which are said to have a negative influence in migraine. These include red wine, cheese as well as chocolate.

In any case, however, medical advice should always be sought to treat migraines.

Migraine during pregnancy

In the majority of women who suffer from migraine, the symptoms improve during pregnancy or even stop altogether. It is suspected that the hormonal changes during pregnancy are the cause of this. In many cases, however, the symptoms return after the birth of the child. If pregnant women nevertheless suffer from migraine, treatment can be difficult, as medication should not be used, particularly in the first third of pregnancy. Women who suffer from migraines during pregnancy should therefore ensure rest and relaxation, if necessary with the help of targeted relaxation techniques. Acupuncture, gentle massages and lymphatic drainage can also help against the headaches. After consulting a doctor, the painkiller paracetamol can also provide relief. NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen can also help, but should not be taken after the 28th week of pregnancy. It is also possible to take ASA (acetylsalicylic acid) in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. For the prevention of migraine in pregnancy, the antispasmodic mineral magnesium and vitamin B2 are suitable.