Mineral Deficiency: What Can I do Myself?

In purely quantitative terms, calcium is the top mineral: up to one kilogram is contained in our bodies. Almost 99 percent of it is found in bones and teeth. In addition, it is also important for muscles and nerves, in the defense against allergies and inflammation, and for blood clotting.

Calcium deficiency can occur in certain parathyroid diseases as well as in chronic kidney disease. Frequent use of diuretics also lowers calcium levels.

Children in growth phases and pregnant or lactating women have an increased calcium requirement and should therefore pay particular attention to an adequate supply.

Calcium requirements and overdosage

Calcium is found, for example, in milk and dairy products, as well as in whole-grain bread, vegetables and nuts. The daily requirement of a healthy adult is approximately 1,000 milligrams.

According to a recommendation of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), a maximum of 500 milligrams of this should be supplied daily through dietary supplements.

Magnesium – not only for calf cramps

About 25 to 30 milligrams of magnesium is contained in our body. It is important for the strength of the bones, the function of the nervous system and for the skeletal and heart muscles. It also supports circa 300 enzymes in their daily work, such as building our genetic material, the DNA.

Causes and consequences of a deficient magnesium supply

An undersupply of magnesium can have many causes: Malnutrition, alcohol abuse, abuse of laxatives, severe diarrhea or vomiting, certain hormonal disorders, kidney disease or cirrhosis of the liver.

The consequences include muscle twitching or cramps, gastrointestinal problems, heart problems, menstrual cramps or headaches. Premature labor may occur during pregnancy.

Too much magnesium is harmful

Too much magnesium is also harmful, causing nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. Our daily requirement of circa 300 to 400 milligrams can usually be easily met through food. Legumes, wholemeal bread, cheese, milk and chocolate in particular contain a lot of magnesium.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women can cover their increased requirement of up to 390 milligrams more easily via suitable magnesium preparations, which should be recommended by a doctor.

According to the BfR, in order not to exceed the recommended daily dose, a maximum of 250 milligrams of magnesium should be taken daily via dietary supplements – the rest is usually absorbed with food.

Sodium – always in balance with potassium

Our body contains about 100 grams of sodium, which together with potassium regulates the water content and distribution in our organism and plays an important role in the transmission of signals between nerve and muscle cells. A lack of sodium can lead to weakness, low blood pressure, muscle cramps as well as impaired consciousness.

Our body is usually adequately supplied with sodium by the table salt in our food; the daily requirement is about 1500 milligrams. The more common problem is rather an oversupply, which disturbs the balance between sodium and potassium. This can affect a variety of metabolic processes.

What can I do myself?

In addition to a balanced diet, mineral supplements, possibly in combination with vitamins, can ensure a balanced budget. After particularly strong physical and sweaty stress, special electrolyte drinks can restore the fluid and mineral balance.

In the case of severe diarrhea or vomiting, it is also important to supply the body with the missing electrolytes, such as sodium or potassium; special preparations are also available for this purpose.

If you are not sure whether you are eating a balanced diet and taking in enough minerals, your doctor or pharmacist can help you.