
Minerals (synonym: minerals) are essential (vital) inorganic nutrients, which the organism cannot produce itself; they must be supplied to it with food.Based on their concentration in the human body and their quantity ratio in the daily requirement, they are divided into two groups – the so-called bulk elements or macroelements and the trace elements or microelements.

The bulk elements can be distinguished from the trace elements because they make up more than 0.01% of the body weight.
The essential minerals or quantity elements include:

  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Phosphorus

These minerals have significant functions in the human body. So they take especially important positions in the water and electrolyte balance, in the nervous functionality and in the mobility of muscles. In addition, they are indispensable for the structure of bones and teeth.Attention!According to the data available for the Federal Republic of Germany on the supply situation (see also, for example, National Consumption Study II) with minerals, the supply of calcium and magnesium is not optimal for both men and women.