Minimization of risk factors | The arthrosis behind the kneecap

Minimization of risk factors

The most typical risk factors for osteoarthritis behind the patella are overweight, patellar deformities and previous injuries to the knee. Patellar dysplasia cannot be reduced by a change in lifestyle. However, injuries to the knee can be reduced and minimized by many methods.

First and foremost, a conscious and careful exercise of sport is essential. Skiing, football, basketball, tennis and numerous ball sports are the most dangerous sports for the knee. These sports should be avoided as far as possible if the knee is damaged or the ligament structures are loose.

Knee bandages and good sports equipment can also contribute to a more conscious practice of the sport. The strength of the leg muscles also plays a significant role in the susceptibility to injuries. The risk factor that is most easily influenced is overweight. In the long term, weight reduction helps to relieve the cartilage and reduce normal wear and tear over time.


Arthrosis behind the kneecap is basically a chronic cartilage disease that is not reversible. Reconstruction and healing of the damaged cartilage is not possible today. Cartilage transplants can only be a promising treatment method for young patients with good conditions.

By adapting lifestyle and sports behaviour, incipient arthroses can be delayed and stopped. However, arthrosis at a young age is associated with a significantly worse prognosis over the life span of the patient. With modern prosthetics in surgery, very good results can be achieved with partial knee prostheses or complete joint prostheses. The functional life of the prostheses also increases considerably, so that they can also provide long-term relief from arthrosis behind the kneecap for decades.