Miracle Cure Apple Cider Vinegar: Good for Beauty and Health

Apple cider vinegar is formed by the simplest biochemical processes, and yet it is very valuable for the human organism. It is extremely effective in regulating metabolism, activating the work of the body’s cells, and has been a proven household remedy for centuries, including for skin and hair. Due to its versatility, apple cider vinegar is a true miracle cure.

All-rounder apple cider vinegar

In every cell of the human body, acetic acid is needed for energy production. So it is stable enough, and can withstand environmental influences well. This explains the strengthening and nourishing, internal and external effects of the miracle cure apple cider vinegar. The pure natural product is formed when bacteria inhale fermented ethanol. The resulting acetic acid is characterized by a unique combination of vital vitamins with various minerals and trace elements, lactic and citric acid, important enzymes and amino acids, as well as fiber such as potash and pectin. In addition, all the healthy components of the apple are available at the same time. It has detoxifying properties, and especially stimulates metabolism as well as digestion. The secretion of the salivary glands is activated, thus the decomposition and utilization of food is effective. All nutrients are better and faster supplied to the organism, and decomposition products are more easily excreted. In addition, apple cider vinegar stimulates the production of gastric acid, which further aids digestion. It also improves the absorption of minerals in the body, especially iron. This is important for healthy blood circulation.

As care after shaving

Used externally, apple cider vinegar can be very good for the skin in several ways. Impure and scaly skin becomes smoother with a peeling from the acidic juice. Pimples and so-called blackheads recede when rubbed with apple cider vinegar. On oily skin, excessive sebum production is reduced. Aging skin regains some elasticity, appears fresher and firmer with apple cider vinegar. After shaving, apple cider vinegar, applied with a small dab of absorbent cotton, smoothes the most sensitive areas of skin on the face. It prevents unsightly redness and rashes on the skin here at the same time.

Shine for the hair

Likewise, the natural remedy is excellent for hair care, especially if they are greasy, brittle or dull. Apple cider vinegar also helps against hair loss, itchy scalp, split ends and dandruff. To do this, rinse the hair with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water after washing. They become much softer, easy to comb through, and get a beautiful matte shine. In addition, the apple cider vinegar rinse can also be used to massage the scalp.

Remedy for constipation and flatulence.

Without acetic acid, the entire human metabolism would not function. It is formed as an intermediate product in the conversion of food into substances produced by the body. Neither fat, nor carbohydrates from sugar or starch would be able to be utilized without it. It is estimated that each person needs about 100 grams of acetic acid per day for their metabolic processes to function. If it is offered additionally from the outside, this can be only good, particularly since the vinegar changes the contents materials for instance of the apple in such a way that they are to be taken up by the body cells particularly well. A glass of lukewarm water mixed with about two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar can be drunk with every meal. This can be sweetened with a little bee honey as desired. It is also advantageous to have such a drink every day before breakfast. This cleanses the intestines in the long run, and also counteracts hyperacidity of the body. This is because any fruit vinegar is intensely alkaline in nature. Similarly, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and annoying bloating after meals can be noticeably reduced after a shorter or longer period of time with the regular intake of an apple cider vinegar drink.

Good for colds

Especially in the time-honored combination with clear honey, apple cider vinegar has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, this gentle and natural mixture is excellent for soothing sore throats. It is done by stirring together ¼ cup each of apple cider vinegar and honey. A teaspoonful of it is taken at intervals of three to four hours. Gargling with apple cider vinegar can also work well against sore throat, cough, as well as all forms of hoarseness.If nightly sleep disturbances occur in all these cases, a few drops of apple cider vinegar placed on the pillow will also help. Next to or on the head can also be placed a cloth soaked with apple cider vinegar when sleeping. Even a steam bath for inhalation can be enriched with diluted apple cider vinegar if necessary.

Natural help for athlete’s foot

Undiluted apple cider vinegar even successfully fights athlete’s foot. In this case, the affected areas on the foot or toenails are dabbed several times a day and especially in the evening before bedtime with the acetic acid. Worn socks can be soaked in vinegar water for half an hour before washing for the purpose of disinfection and killing germs. This is done by mixing four parts of water with one part of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar also helps against hemorrhoids. Here, the affected areas can be carefully treated with undiluted fruit vinegar. This helps to reduce swelling and promotes blood clotting. In addition, regular increased drinking of apple cider vinegar also helps with such complaints.

Small help for insect bites

Cautiously, the home remedy can still be used against minor insect bites. This applies to bites from mosquitoes, bees or wasps. Even the consequences of skin contact with native jellyfish can be successfully alleviated with pure apple cider vinegar. Finally, to cool and soothe, a soaked cloth with apple cider vinegar is applied when the skin has been affected by sunburn.