
Synonyms in a broader sense

Abortion (lat. Abortus), early abortion, spontaneous abortion, artificial abortion, stillbirth


Miscarriage (abortion) is the premature termination of a pregnancy, whereby this must take place before the beginning of the 24th week of pregnancy and the foetal weight must be under 500g (otherwise it is called stillbirth). The fetus (unborn child) is usually not yet viable at this time, so that vital signs such as breathing, heartbeat and umbilical cord pulsation are not detectable. The fruit can, but does not have to be expelled.

The classification is made into miscarriage as early abortions, which occur up to the 12th week of pregnancy and predominate in their frequency, and miscarriage as late abortions, which occur in the 12th to 24th week of pregnancy. In addition, miscarriage occurs as early abortion, which occurs directly after implantation. Due to the weak bleeding, this is usually misinterpreted as a normal menstrual period. A spontaneous abortion is a miscarriage for natural reasons. An artificial abortion, on the other hand, is the artificial termination of a pregnancy by chemical, medical and other methods (e.g. prenatal diagnostics).

Frequency and occurrence

Miscarriage is the most common and most serious complication in pregnancy. However, the risk of miscarriage decreases as the pregnancy progresses. It is estimated that about one third of all women will suffer at least one miscarriage in their lifetime. However, at the beginning of pregnancy, when the majority of miscarriages occur, they usually go unobserved, as they are more likely to be interpreted as bleeding irregularities. As a result, only about one-fifth of miscarriages are detected, especially in young women who are frequently affected.


A miscarriage can have many causes, all of which have some influence. Rarely, however, are they discovered. 1. maternal causes a) on the female reproductive organs: b) outside the female reproductive organs 2. paternal causes 3. causes in the fetus Þ with 50-70% main cause of spontaneous abortion 4. causes by external influences

  • Problems of the placenta (maldevelopment, insufficient vascular development, incorrect positioning e.g. placenta praevia)
  • Hormonal disorders (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)
  • Infections of the foetusEmbryo
  • Anemia (anemia due to e.g. iron or vitamin B12 deficiency)
  • Accidents (especially falls or kicks on the stomach)
  • Cancer diseases
  • Genetic disorders (chromosomal changes)
  • Changes in sperm cells
  • Genetic defects (due to inherited or newly formed chromosomal aberrations)
  • Rhesus incompatibility (different rhesus factors between mother and child lead to a dangerous immune reaction in the child = morbus haemolyticus neonatorum)
  • Substance abuse (medication, drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine)
  • Vaccinations, radioactive radiation, extreme sports
  • Prenatal diagnostic procedures (amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, umbilical cord puncture)
  • Psychological and social factors (stress, separation etc. )