Mode of action of Phlogenzym | Phlogenzym – The food supplement

Mode of action of Phlogenzym

The phlogenzyme supports the immune system when it is weakened by an infection or similar and therefore not fully functional. Phlogenzym strengthens the cells of the immune system and ensures that there is little or no loss of function so that pathogens cannot easily enter the body. In addition, Phlogenzym has an anticoagulant effect and thus promotes blood circulation.

This has an additional positive effect on the relief of an inflammation, as new nutrients are constantly being supplied to the focus of inflammation via the blood. Therapy with Phlogenzym is a systemic therapy, which means that it does not only have its effect on one part of the body but on the whole body. This makes sense because the immune system also has its tasks in the whole body.

The Phlogenzym shows a very good tolerance. Therefore, it can be taken over a long period of time without hesitation and support the body permanently. The enzyme preparation Wobenzym has a similar mode of action. This is the best known preparation.

Side effects

Overall, the intake of Phlogenzym has few side effects as it is composed of natural ingredients only. However, there may be gastrointestinal complaints in the form of diarrhea or stomach pain, and in case of an existing allergy to one or more components of the preparation it may lead to an allergic reaction, which manifests itself as a skin rash or asthma-like symptoms.


If other preparations or medications are taken in addition to Phlogenzym, the possible interactions should be considered. If Phlogenzym is taken together with anticoagulant drugs (e.g. with Marcumar), bleeding may occur. This should be avoided at all costs as it can lead to dangerous blood loss. The simultaneous intake of an antibiotic can also lead to undesirable interactions, including an increase in the antibiotic’s effectiveness, and should be discussed with the doctor.