Molds in Organic Waste

Molds are found throughout the world as well as on a wide variety of media and substrates in the environment. Organic household waste or biowaste forms a particularly nutrient-rich substrate. Food scraps, fruit peels, kitchen towels or garden waste such as grass and green cuttings collect here.

What are molds?

Molds are so-called saprophytes, meaning they feed on dead organic matter such as that found in foliage and plant parts, house dust and the soil. Their highly variable and adaptable metabolism allows them to utilize a wide range of organic nutrients.

Household and organic waste provide molds with an abundance of nutrients such as sugars, amino acids, cellulose and fats. In addition, the high moisture content of the material favors microbial growth.

Danger from fungal spores

Since plant parts are naturally colonized with molds and the outside air always carries a certain amount of mold spores, biowaste is very quickly colonized and used as a substrate. There is a proliferation of molds in the organic waste garbage can and the organic waste is decomposed by fungal metabolism. This is utilized in composting in one’s own garden or on a large scale in municipal plants.

However, the proliferation of molds in organic waste also poses risks. Due to their high metabolic activity, molds release increased heat. Humans experience a similar situation during high levels of physical exertion or sporting activity. This heat causes certain heat-loving (thermophilic) molds to be particularly promoted and to accumulate in biowaste.

Unfortunately, these thermophilic or thermotolerant molds include some human pathogens such as Aspergillus fumigatus. The ability to grow at temperatures of 37°C gives them the opportunity to colonize the human body and cause infections. In particular, the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract can be affected. Allergic reactions may also be increased.

Increased concentration of mold fungi

In summer, the growth and reproduction of heat-loving molds is already supported by the increased outdoor temperatures and high humidity. Therefore, organic waste molds particularly quickly, and increased mold concentrations can already occur during storage in the small organic waste garbage can in the kitchen at home.

Thousands to millions of fungal spores can therefore be released each time the organic waste garbage can is opened. A slight increase in the concentration of fungi in the kitchen air is therefore not unusual in summer. However, it should not exceed a certain level.

Empty organic waste garbage can regularly

Because these fungal spores can be the trigger for infections or allergic diseases. In addition, they can spread throughout the home and colonize other substrates such as potting soil, which can then act as another source of mold. For this reason, it is advisable to empty the organic waste garbage can or the collection container for organic waste in the kitchen as often as possible or to dispose of organic waste directly in the organic waste garbage can outside. Particularly in summer, care should be taken to empty the bin regularly.

Scientific studies have shown that garbage collectors suffer more from illnesses caused by the disposal of organic waste, especially in summer. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat, and allergic symptoms of the respiratory tract have been reported. A higher incidence of Aspergillus fumigatus and bacteria in organic waste has also been documented for the summer months. Source : enius AG