Mood Swings: Causes, Treatment & Help

Mood swings are states of mind or moodiness and can have many causes. Mood swings should not be confused with depression. Simple mood swings occur every day and are normal signs of our highs and lows in everyday life.

What are mood swings?

Mood swings are primarily a psychological symptom. They can occur either as a sole condition or as an accompanying symptom. Mood swings are primarily a psychological symptom. They can occur either as a sole disorder or as an accompanying symptom that may indicate another underlying disorder. Mood swings are a condition that can make a person extremely happy at first and extremely depressed or even aggressive a little later. The patient’s mood changes from one extreme to the other within a few seconds or minutes. This not only damages his own performance, but also ensures that he puts himself in unfavorable situations with fellow human beings. Mood swings occur particularly frequently in times of stress and excessive demands. In most cases, they are accompanied by other symptoms, both physical and psychological. These include sleep disorders, headaches, back pain, fatigue, weight fluctuations and potency problems. Likewise, listlessness, lack of concentration and sadness can be typical signs with mood swings.


As a rule, everyday mood swings are harmless and are experienced by almost everyone at some point. As they came so they go and usually a few days later you do not even remember them. However, the causes of mood swings are mostly to be found on the psychological side. Together with other accompanying symptoms, they can indicate various mental illnesses. Mood swings, for example, occur frequently among depressive personalities. They are recognizable mainly by the sudden change from joy to deep sadness. However, they can also indicate mental deficits. For example, a patient who does not see all the levels of Maslow’s pyramid of needs fulfilled also suffers from mood swings – in this case, the life situation and interpersonal relationships would have to be analyzed, since this is where the deficits must lie. Mood swings can also indicate a physical cause. In most cases, this is a disease that affects the brain or the pituitary gland, which is located there and can influence the patient’s mood through illness. Tumors can increase the pressure inside the skull and cause it to cause severe mood swings. Hormonal treatments such as taking the pill can also cause patients to develop mood swings – in women, menstrual periods are also enough to cause short-term changes. However, if mood swings occur more frequently and at rhythmic intervals, psychological or emotional causes (e.g. stress, interpersonal problems, seasons) may be involved. Various hormonal diseases such as hyperthyroidism can also be a cause. Often, the excessive consumption of stimulants, such as alcohol and cigarettes are also possible culprits of strong mood swings.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Affective disorders
  • Premenstrual


  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Borderline syndrome
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Burnout syndrome
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Postpartum mood crises
  • Dementia
  • Drug addiction
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Menopause
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Dissocial personality disorder
  • Migraine


Mood swings usually occur in the context of a mental illness, but organic diseases can also be the cause. These have complications corresponding to them. Borderline disorder is usually accompanied by other illnesses. These can be mainly depression. Depression can be related to abuse of alcohol and drugs. Frequent alcohol consumption can lead to a fatty liver in the affected person, which can subsequently end in cirrhosis of the liver.Drugs can lead to psychosis and anxiety disorders. The associated social withdrawal only intensifies the symptoms. Frequent nicotine use increases the likelihood of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and also increases the risk of lung cancer. In addition, depressives usually suffer from sleep and eating disorders. A lack of sleep or obesity increase the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Often, the personality of those affected is also altered. In the worst case, thoughts of suicide arise. In addition, there are usually social problems, especially in partnerships or at work. Dementia, which also leads to mood swings, can also cause personality disorders. Everyday things can no longer be done properly. The affected person usually also has difficulties in reading, writing and also speaking. Social withdrawal is also not uncommon. The disease can also lead to incontinence and thus a need for care.

When should you go to the doctor?

In the first instance, it is not necessary to see a doctor for mood swings. These can occur in many people over time and then disappear on their own. Women in particular are affected by mood swings during pregnancy or during their periods. Treatment by a doctor is not absolutely necessary. A doctor can be consulted if the mood swings occur permanently over a longer period of time and do not disappear on their own. The person affected may then be suffering from an unbalanced hormone balance or another illness that needs to be examined and treated. In most cases, however, the mood swings can be treated and limited relatively well. Likewise, a visit to the doctor is necessary when the mood swings complicate the patient’s daily life and that of other people. This can lead to problems with friends or with the patient’s own partner. If the mood swings have become so severe, a doctor can be asked for advice. As a rule, the family doctor can be consulted first. However, women can also contact the gynecologist directly.

Treatment and therapy

Medical treatment is advisable only if the patient himself does not know a way out of his mood swings. A doctor should also be consulted if the mood changes are recurrent. Psychologically induced mood swings are then usually treated with medication. It can be assumed that they are caused by a psychologically induced hormonal imbalance, which is why talk therapy or other forms of verbal therapy would not bring the desired success. Antidepressants, for example, help patients with depressive moods to get their mood swings under control. However, further forms of therapy should then be added to determine the reason for the illness and enable the patient to better reduce psychological stress in the future. If the mood swings are severe and endanger the patient himself or involve suicidal, self-injurious moods, admission to a clinic for therapy is often also ordered. If a physical cause is suspected, this must be treated first and foremost. If it is a tumor, for example, it must be removed – the mood swings will then disappear on their own. Hormonal treatments, on the other hand, must be changed and readjusted if they are the trigger. Basically, however, one should also look for the causes oneself and thus also for possible changes. Thus, excessive stress, problems with fellow human beings, stimulants (alcohol, nicotine) and any problems should be considered realistically and optimistically. In most cases a solution can be found, especially in couples with family and friends. Increased physical activities (e.g. hiking, gardening), sports (jogging, swimming, cycling), culture (theater, festivals), wellness (sauna, swimming pool) and a healthy diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) are also supportive.

Outlook and prognosis

Mood swings can occur in many people, although in most cases it is a temporary symptom. Often, the mood swings occur due to a specific situation and disappear after a short period of time.In this case, the mood swings do not need to be treated and do not lead to further complaints. Mood swings can also occur in women before or during menstruation, where they are also a common hormone-related symptom. In this case, too, treatment is not necessary and the symptom disappears by itself. However, if the mood swings occur frequently and are not associated with specific events, a doctor should be consulted. Treatment is possible by a psychologist or with the help of medication. It usually leads to quick success and does not entail further complications. The mood swings can disappear on their own without treatment, for example, in adolescents and teenagers who are going through a hormonal change. However, if the mood swings make everyday life difficult, they need to be treated by a doctor.


The development of mood swings can hardly be effectively prevented. However, people with mental illness can ensure that mood swings that are already present do not interfere with their lives. Prescribed medications should always be taken properly and one should ensure to balance stressful situations. A generally healthy lifestyle ensures a healthy body, improved well-being and can help prevent illnesses of a physical or psychological nature. Mood swings are hindered in their development if one makes an effort to live healthily and also to allow oneself time off occasionally.

This is what you can do yourself

A number of measures and home remedies help with mood swings. Quick help brings essential oils, which have a mood-lifting and antidepressant effect. Oils from tangerines, limes, oranges and grapefruits, but also scents such as bergamot, jasmine, rose and sandalwood have proven themselves. However, normal foods and spices such as ginger, nutmeg, chili peppers and chocolate can also improve mood. Bach flowers and Schüssler salts, which can be used as a tea, ointment or bath additive, are recommended as alternative healing methods. Apart from that, the cause of the mood swings should also be determined. Often there is a harmless lack of light, which can be remedied by exercise in the fresh air. In general, sports and laughter lead to the release of happiness hormones. Heat or artificial light in the form of an infrared lamp or a visit to a solarium are also effective. Pleasant candlelight and conversations with friends and family members also regulate the mood in a natural way. If the mood swings persist over a longer period of time, there may be a serious illness. Anyone who repeatedly finds themselves in depressed moods should therefore talk to a doctor or therapist.