“morning after pill” without prescription | Cost of the “morning after pill

“morning after pill” without prescription

The morning-after pill is a controversially discussed hormone preparation, which for a long time was considered a drug for abortion and not a contraceptive. For this reason, until about a year ago it was common practice that a woman who needed the emergency contraceptive pill first needed an appointment with a gynecologist who could then prescribe the emergency contraceptive pill. This somewhat cumbersome procedure was intended to prevent the morning-after pill from being used too often and too “permissively”.

One reason for this is that the emergency contraceptive pill still raises a number of ethical questions, such as when pregnancy should be considered a pregnancy. On the other hand, the side effects that can occur with the emergency contraceptive pill should be minimized by making the emergency contraceptive pill available only on prescription. However, for about a year now it has been possible to purchase the emergency contraceptive pill without a prescription.

This means that a woman can go to the pharmacy and get the emergency contraceptive pill without a prescription. This has the advantage for the woman that the visit to the gynaecologist is no longer necessary, which also means that the woman can obtain the emergency contraceptive pill much more quickly, since many gynaecologists take a long time to get an appointment. Getting the emergency contraceptive pill without a prescription at the pharmacy therefore offers many advantages, especially a more convenient and quicker intake, which in turn leads to increased safety of the emergency contraceptive pill. However, the disadvantage is that the emergency contraceptive pill can be obtained from the pharmacy without a prescription, which seems so convenient that many patients repeatedly trust the emergency contraceptive pill to fulfil its protective function. Here it is important to remember that although the emergency contraceptive pill can be obtained quickly and easily without a prescription, it is a great burden on the female body and it is therefore safer and better to take prophylaxis in the form of condoms or the contraceptive pill.