Mouth-Antrum Junction: Complications

The most important diseases or complications that can be caused by a mouth-antrum connection (MAV) are:

Respiratory system (J00-J99)

  • Sinusitis maxillaris (maxillary sinusitis).

Eyes and eye appendages (H00-H59).

  • Inflammatory infiltration of the orbit (eye socket) as a complication of sinusitis maxillaris (maxillary sinus)
    • Edema
    • Orbital abscess (abscess/pus cavity in the orbit).
    • Orbitaphlegmone (diffuse inflammation of the connective tissue of the orbit, which continues to spread under the skin; emergency!)
  • Amaurosis (blindness) after inflammatory infiltration of the orbit in sinusitis maxillaris – thrombosis of the central retinal artery.

Infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99).

  • Aspergilloma (local colonization and compartmentalization of a mold) of the maxillary sinus [with prolonged MAV].
  • Scattering of pathogenic (“pathological”) bacteria in the blood and lymphatic circulation.

Mouth, esophagus (food pipe), stomach, and intestines (K00-K67; K90-K93).

  • Abscess formation
  • Ostitis (inflammation of the bone) of the jaw
  • Osteomyelitis (bone marrow inflammation) of the jaw.
  • Persistent oroantral fistula

Psyche – nervous system (F00-F99; G00-G99)

  • Impairment of the IIIrd, IVth, and VIth cranial nerves [in thrombophlebitis/vein inflammation of the cavernous sinus].
  • Inflammatory infiltration of the interior of the skull [as a complication of maxillary sinusitis].
    • Epidural (“on the hard meninges“) infections.
    • Subdural (“below the hard meninges”) infections
    • Brain abscess
    • Meningitis (meningitis)
    • Infectious thrombosis of the sinus cavernosus
    • Septic thrombophlebitis of the contralateral sinus cavernosus

Injuries, poisoning, and other sequelae of external causes (S00-T98).

  • Dens in antro (“tooth in the (maxillary) sinus”).
  • Radix in antro (“tooth root remnant in the (maxillary) sinus”).

Prognostic factors

  • Operatively induced flattening of the vestibule (oral vestibule) after Rehrmannoplasty may necessitate preprosthetic vestibuloplasty.
  • Displacement of teeth or tooth fragments into the maxillary sinus necessitates their intraoperative removal by irrigation and suction. Failure entails vestibular fenestration of the maxillary sinus.
  • Closure of a prolonged oroantral junction is preceded by adequate treatment of sinusitis (sinus infection).
  • Recurrence (recurrence of the disease) after Rehrmann plastic surgery entails a new surgical procedure with multilayer closure.