Mouth-Antrum Junction: Diagnostic Tests

The diagnosis of a mouth-antrum junction (MAV) is usually made on the basis of the patient’s history, clinical course, and physical examination. Further medical device diagnostics may be required for differential diagnosis.

Mandatory medical device diagnostics.

  • Radiographs
    • Panoramic radiograph [tooth root lengths, maxillary sinus floor, mucus retention cysts, dentogenic (“originating from the teeth”) cysts, sinusitis maxillaris (maxillary sinusitis) in chronic MAV, perforation (“puncture”), radix in antro (“tooth root remnant in the (maxillary) sinus”)]
    • Sinus image [radix in antro, maxillary sinus shadowing in sinusitis/sinusitis]
    • Dental film [perforation, alveolar depth, root remnant]

Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics – for differential diagnosis:

  • Computed tomography (CT) [sinusitis, space-occupying lesions.]
  • Digital volume tomography (DVT) [bony structures, perforation, alveolar depth and width, radix in antro, foreign bodies]
  • Sonography [sinusitis]

Radiological features of an oral-antrum junction.

  • Perforation of the bony oroantral border lamella.
  • If applicable, radix in antro/dens in antro
  • Unilateral shading of paired maxillary sinuses (maxillary sinuses) in prolonged chronic MAV.