Mouth rot in adults


Usually one gets infected with the herpes virus at an early age, which causes mouth rot. That is why mostly small children between the ages of 7 months and 6 years are affected by mouth rot. If contact with the herpes virus occurs only later, one can also suffer from mouth rot in adulthood. Those who have undergone the full course of the disease or have shown no symptoms at first infection are immune afterwards. Adults often go through a more complicated form than children.

By these symptoms one recognizes the mouth rot in adults

The first symptoms that appear when infected with mouth rot:

  • General feeling of illness
  • Fever
  • Restlessness
  • Swallowing difficulties
  • Headaches
  • Throat Pain

After one to two days, typical oral mucosal changes occur in the frontal oral cavity. Now the typical symptoms of oral thrush appear: The blisters can be filled with blood and usually burst quickly. They leave behind a chapped mouth mucosa, which is surrounded by a red seam.

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  • Strong halitosis
  • Gingivitis
  • Bubbles in the mouth
  • Coated tongue
  • Increased salivation
  • Pain when eating, drinking and speaking

Also the tongue shows a typical clinical picture of the mouth rot. It is usually thickly covered. Over the tongue and this coating distributed, sore, painful places, that look like whitish “craters”, are found. The tongue can also be swollen.

How to treat mouth rot

First of all, bed rest is the highest priority. The aching mouth makes it difficult to eat and drink. Therefore, a mushy or even liquid diet is recommended.

To prevent dehydration, it is essential to drink enough. Food and drink should be neither too hot nor too cold to avoid additional irritation of the damaged oral mucosa. Slightly chilled drinking and eating is often perceived as pleasant.

The mouth can be rinsed with warm water or disinfectant mouth rinsing solutions, such as chlorhexidine. Antipyretic and painkillers are prescribed if necessary. A treatment with antibiotics is usually not necessary.

If there is a more severe form of oral thrush, a remedy against the growth of the viruses is prescribed. At home, one must make sure that despite pain, above all, one drinks enough liquid. It can help to drink with a straw.

In addition, many patients find it more pleasant to drink if it is slightly cold. There are juices and ointments that the doctor can prescribe to numb the pain somewhat. Gentle rinsing with lukewarm tea made from chamomile or sage can help.

Swedish herbs and propolis are also used for relief. Swedish herbs are a large mixture of different herbs that are said to have a healing effect. You can buy them ready to use as a tincture or ointment.

Propolis is produced by bees. They dam their beehive with it among other things also against exciters. Thus the tincture has an antiviral effect even with local application.

The tinctures should not be applied directly to the sore oral mucosa. Irritations may occur. Therefore, one should consult with the family doctor before using such household remedies.

Since the drugs (antivirals) used to treat oral thrush have side effects, many people seek a way of therapy in homeopathy. If one has had good experiences with it, from a medical point of view there is nothing to be said against it. However, despite supportive homeopathic therapy, one should never do without a visit to the doctor.

Borax, for example, is often recommended, which in low to medium potency helps against viruses in the oral mucosa, among other things. Normally, treatment of oral thrush does not include the administration of antibiotics. Antibiotics fight bacteria.

However, in the case of oral thrush there is a viral infection. In more severe forms of the infection, these are combated with the help of antivirals, i.e. agents that are specially designed to combat viruses. Antibiotics are only used if the weakening of the immune system by the viruses is so dramatic that there is a risk of bacteria causing a new infection.This means that antibiotic therapy in the case of oral thrush prevents a new illness and supports the weakened immune system.