Mucositis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mucositis can occur in the mouth, throat, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract. It is caused by infections or occurs as a side effect of cancer treatment. Surgery is not necessary to treat the condition, and symptoms can be relieved with medications or natural remedies.

What is mucositis?

The mucous membrane, technically called mucosa, has an important protective function. Thanks to jet secretions, the mucosa keeps the top layer of the hollow organs moist. Mucosa is found, for example, in the mouth and throat, in the gastrointestinal tract and in the respiratory tract. Inflammation of the mucous membranes is an unpleasant, possibly very painful condition.


Inflammation of the mucous membranes can have different causes. It can be caused by a variety of conditions. A urinary tract infection, an infection of the gastrointestinal tract, or an infection of the airways can result in mucositis as a consequence. In addition, it can occur as a result of chemotherapy or radiotherapy caused by cancer. Actually, mucosal inflammation is one of the most common side effects of cancer therapies. As a complication of chemotherapy, inflammation of the oral mucosa is most common, but mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, blood vessels, or heart can also be affected. Since mucosal cells divide very quickly by nature – just like the cells of a tumor against which chemotherapy is used – the therapeutic agents also attack the healthy mucosal cells. Not only diseases or cancer therapies can cause mucosal inflammation Inflammation of the stomach mucosa can also be caused by drugs, stress or alcohol.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Mucosal inflammation is manifested by different symptoms depending on its location. Gastritis leads to mild stomach pain that becomes more severe as the disease progresses. This is accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. As a result of the constant irritation, heartburn may also develop. If the mucosal inflammation is treated at an early stage, late health consequences can usually be avoided. In the absence of treatment or inadequate treatment, there is a risk that the inflammation will develop into chronic gastritis. Oral mucosal inflammation is initially manifested by bad breath, usually associated with a general feeling of illness and fever. Small, painful spots may form on the oral mucosa. In children and people with a weakened immune system, oral thrush often forms, in which the mucous membrane is covered with a white, sour-smelling coating. In addition, general symptoms such as pain, itching or bleeding occur. In addition, an increased salivary flow may be observed. The inflammation may affect the entire oral cavity or be limited to specific areas. Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa causes diarrhea and abdominal pain, as well as bleeding and cardiovascular symptoms. Chronic disease can cause permanent damage to the gastrointestinal tract and is often associated with abscesses.

Diagnosis and course

The symptoms of mucosal inflammation have different manifestations depending on the degree of inflammation. In addition to redness and swelling, ulcers and bleeding of the mucosa may occur in severe cases. If the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is inflamed, then the two most common symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting. When the mucous membrane of the stomach is inflamed, loss of appetite and a feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen also occur as symptoms. The diagnosis of inflammation of the mucous membrane is made by the attending physician, who first asks the patient about his complaints. The interview is followed by a physical examination of the patient. Depending on the localization, this examination is performed in different ways. The method of examination for oral mucositis involves laboratory examination of a mouth swab. In the case of gastritis, ultrasound and X-ray examinations, in addition to palpation of the abdomen, contribute to the diagnosis. In some cases, a blood test is performed. A gastroscopy in the interest of an accurate diagnosis is also not uncommon.If inflammation of the uterus or vaginal mucosa is suspected, a smear is taken, which is also examined in the laboratory. When making a diagnosis, it is important to determine the severity of the inflammation so that the correct therapy can be undertaken. Timely treatment is, of course, essential to avoid any secondary diseases.


Depending on where it occurs, mucosal inflammation can cause various complications. Gastritis can develop into a chronic condition. Chronic gastritis type A brings with it an increased risk of stomach cancer. In addition, there is an increased development of so-called carcinoids in the stomach. Chronic gastritis type B can promote the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The rare MALT lymphomas, malignant growths of lymphoid tissue, also occur mainly after type B gastritis. Type C chronic gastritis also results in an increased risk of gastric ulcers and gastric cancer. Mucosal inflammation of the oral pharynx or urinary tract can promote inflammation and infection. This is also thought to increase the risk of tumor formation. In the treatment of mucosal inflammation, the risks come mainly from the prescribed drugs. Antipyretics and analgesics can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, headache, aching limbs, and a number of other complaints. Allergic reactions are also not unlikely after taking the corresponding medications. The same applies to the use of medicinal herbs such as aloe vera, arnica or chamomile. These can aggravate the mucosal inflammation in the worst case.

When should you go to the doctor?

Mucositis should always be treated by a doctor. Serious complications and other ailments can occur if the disease is left untreated. Therefore, early diagnosis with early treatment has a positive effect on the further course of mucositis. A doctor should be consulted if the affected person suffers from severe pain in the stomach. There is also a loss of appetite and further diarrhea or vomiting. Many patients also suffer from heartburn during mucosal inflammation. If these complaints occur, a doctor must be consulted. A doctor should also be consulted if there is a strong smell in the mouth or a high fever. Pronounced salivation may indicate inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth and must also be treated by a doctor. Furthermore, the affected person should also consult a doctor if there is severe pain in the abdomen. In the case of mucosal inflammation, an internist or a general practitioner can be consulted. Further treatment is then usually carried out by a specialist.

Treatment and therapy

Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, mucositis can be treated by medication or alternative therapies. Thus, surgical intervention is not necessary. The proposed therapy differs depending on the localization of mucosal inflammation. In the case of inflammation of the oral mucosa, analgesic and antipyretic agents, for example in the form of mouth rinses, can be administered according to the suggestion of the attending physician. There are agents that achieve their analgesic effect by forming a protective film on the mucous membrane. Natural substances are also available for treatment. Medicinal herbs, such as aloe vera, arnica, comfrey, chamomile, clove root and thyme can relieve the discomfort associated with the inflammation of the mucous membrane. These herbs can be used in the form of tea, ointment or a bath. The Schuessler salt Kalium sulfuricum (potassium sulfate) also helps with inflammation of the mucous membrane.


To prevent mucosal inflammation, it is generally recommended to sufficiently strengthen the immune system. Since a strong immune system depends on a healthy intestinal flora, it should be supported by a balanced diet. To prevent oral mucositis, regular oral care as well as oral hygiene plays a major role. In addition, one must refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption during oral mucositis, as both could lead to further irritation.


Aftercare depends on how severe and where the mucous membranes are inflamed.The cause of the inflammation also determines the form of follow-up care. Inflammation is always associated with pain. Aftercare treatments for mucosal inflammation are primarily aimed at alleviating the symptoms. These include redness and swelling in addition to pain. The medium-term goal is complete healing of the affected mucous membranes. If the pharyngeal region is affected by the inflammation, the patient experiences his or her discomfort particularly intensely when eating. Swallowing food is often experienced as burning. In addition to pain relief through medication, avoidance of hot, sour or spicy foods is part of independent aftercare in this case. Chronic mucosal irritation in the esophagus or on the inner walls of the stomach can develop into malignant changes. During regular follow-up, the mucosa is checked for growths. In doing so, the doctor takes a tissue sample (biopsy) and checks its condition. If acute mucosal inflammation has healed after appropriate treatment, there is usually no need for further follow-up.

What you can do yourself

Those affected by mucosal inflammation can simplify their daily life with the disease enormously with some helpful tips and tricks. To protect the mucous membrane, it is essential to avoid spicy or highly seasoned foods. In addition, it is important not to necessarily drink drinks with a lot of carbonic acid, because this can irritate the mucous membrane and lead to worse injuries. Some home remedies, such as chamomile tea, sage, lukewarm soups or even healing herbs can help to reduce the symptoms of mucosal inflammation. Especially when it comes to diet, low-acid and gentle foods, such as rice, potatoes, cottage cheese and unsweetened yogurts should be consumed. Even a hot bath and a little relaxation or even a walk in the fresh air, can greatly simplify the daily routine of mucosal inflammation. Stress and anger will only make the inflammation worse and instead of getting better, the symptoms will only get much worse. If these helpful tips and tricks are followed in daily life, nothing will stand in the way of your own self-help in everyday life.