Muscle building training for the knee | Physiotherapy for knee TEP

Muscle building training for the knee

After the use of a knee TEP, muscle building training is essential. In the ideal case, this is even started before the operation in order to prepare the knee optimally for rehabilitation and to positively influence the healing process. It is important that the muscle building takes place under supervision and is guided by an experienced therapist.

This prevents patients from overloading the knee joint prematurely or possibly causing damage through incorrect exercise. The muscle build-up training is divided into smaller stages after the operation, starting with gentle exercises and very low intensity, which are then increased slowly and in a controlled manner during the course of rehabilitation. There are several ways to rebuild the muscles.

On the one hand, the patient will receive a training plan with various strengthening exercises individually adapted to him/her, on the other hand, group sports will be practiced in the rehabilitation center.Strength training is also carried out on machines in physiotherapy. Sports such as gymnastics, Nordic walking or swimming are easy on the joints and also contribute to balanced muscle development. If the prosthesis is overloaded at an early stage, premature wear and tear can occur. This in turn reduces the durability of the knee endoprosthesis. The article “Physiotherapy after knee surgery” might be of interest to you.

OP – Duration

A prerequisite for the attachment of a knee TEP is a stable state of health. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is a major procedure. In order to have access to the joint, surrounding structures such as the musculature are cut through.

In this way it is possible to work directly on the joint. The connecting surfaces of the upper and lower leg are removed and replaced by metal plates. A notch is made in the bone so that the knee TEP can be fixed in the bone.

Depending on the type of knee TEP, the procedure goes deep into the bone. In order to remain in the bone, these newly attached metal plates are cemented in. The duration of the operation is not always the same and can last 90-120 minutes.

If there are indications that the structures around the knee need to be cut through, a lot of healing must take place after the operation. These structures include not only muscles, but also ligaments, capsules or fascia. When you understand this, it is easier to imagine how much has to heal and how long the healing process can take. The healing phase can always be divided into 3 phases: The articles MTT after knee TEP surgery and Knee TEP might be of interest to you in this regard.

  • Inflammation/proliferation phase: 0-5 day
  • Healing phase: 5-21 day
  • Consolidation and conversion phase: 21-360 days