Muscle Cramps and Spasms: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate muscle spasm:

Leading Symptoms

  • Involuntary and painful muscle contraction.
    • Is accompanied by a hardening of the affected muscle
    • Usually lasts only a short time
    • Self-limiting, that is, it stops by itself again
  • Often occurs at night and at rest
  • Affects mainly the lower extremity (e.g., calf cramp)

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate a spasm:

Leading symptoms

  • Repetitive cramping contraction of individual muscles or muscle groups at time intervals.
    • Uniform and static contraction that usually persists over a relatively long time interval (= tonic spasm).
    • Involuntary, rhythmic contractions of muscles or muscle groups, i.e., alternating contraction and relaxation of muscle fibers. This often occurs in a short temporal sequence (= clonic spasm or clonus).

According to the duration of clonus, two forms of clonic spasm can be distinguished:

  • Inexhaustible clonus
  • Exhaustible clonus (only in case of side difference pathological/disease).

The following symptoms and complaints may occur along with spasticity:

Leading symptom

  • Increased, velocity-dependent stretch resistance of the skeletal muscles.

Associated symptoms

  • Muscle paresis (paralysis)
  • Increased reflexes/pathological reflexes
  • Slowed movement