Muscle Pain


Muscle pain (myalgias) manifests itself as pain in the skeletal muscles, which may be accompanied by tension and cramps. They may last acutely for a few days or chronically for weeks to months. Muscle pain can be localized or generalized throughout the body.


Acute symptoms are often harmless and pass on their own. However, muscle pain can also be the result of disease or deficiencies. Common causes are shown below (selection):

  • Muscular overuse (muscle soreness), for example, after sports or work.
  • Wrong or too fast movement
  • Accidents and injuries, muscle injuries
  • Many medications can cause muscle pain. Of particular note are statins, which often cause this side effect and are often prescribed.
  • Infectious diseases, for example, viral diseases such as the flu or bacterial infections.
  • Muscle diseases
  • Bad posture, for example with office and screen work
  • Weak musculature
  • Hypothyroidism is often accompanied by muscle pain.
  • Rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia.
  • Local inflammation
  • Stress, mental tension
  • Electrolyte disorders, e.g. magnesium, potassium and calcium.
  • Cough


Muscle pain and discomfort triggered by medications are potentially dangerous to life-threatening and require medical attention. Diagnosis is also required for chronic muscle pain, neck pain with fever and headache, and extreme muscle weakness.

Nonpharmacologic treatment

  • Rest
  • Massage
  • Physiotherapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Heat treatment
  • Muscle training, physical exercise, posture correction.

Drug treatment

Pain medication:

  • Such as the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, or metamizole can be taken for symptomatic treatment of pain, provided there are no contraindications.

Local pain management:

Warming preparations:

Minerals and trace elements:

  • Supplementation for the treatment of deficiencies, for example, magnesium or potassium deficiency.

Muscle relaxants:

  • Such as tolperisone and tizanidine are administered for painful muscle spasms.